In seeking out our partners what do we think about? Good mother, a good father, good listener etc. Rarely do we think about the sexual needs and the ability to bring us to true sexual completion long term.  Let’s begin to look deeper.
Published 06/03/21
Being in a committed relationship can be extremely hard. Especially when one partner sexual needs and desires are going unmet. What do you do? Approaching this takes courage and love from one and a willingness to “try”. Remaining curious and hungry always.
Published 05/27/21
On this episode we begin talking about boundaries and capacity and how that plays into what we want and being able to provide that information to our partners. Sometimes there are other things going on that can affect our sexual drives and this must be addressed.  To not address then only creates more issues that will become suppressed.  Let’s begin the conversation utilizing our authentic selves.
Published 05/13/21
A sexually liberated unforgettable thing aka SLUT is a name we as women have been so embarrassed and ashamed of for as long as I can remember.  When that word “slut” is thrown at us based off our chosen actions that express our sexuality...... understand that what’s really happening.  Now let’s talk sex!
Published 05/06/21
Who we want to be and who we are sometimes seems that it is in an attainable desire. Women do so much for others and really think about the time that is being taken away from ourselves. We can achieve these things we just have to put things in play that will allow us to achieve those goals. Achieving them only makes us sexier and more desired to others but more importantly to ourselves.
Published 04/29/21
In deepening the connection to ourselves and our partners we must begin to find the pleasure in the things we are doing for and with them.  When we are on auto pilot we do not truly connect and the things we are doing is void of happiness.  Let’s begin finding the pleasure in things therefore deepening the connection.
Published 04/22/21
Published 04/10/21