George Bernard Shaw ( once said, “The people who make it in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.” What if instead of seeking the perfect circumstances for a happy relationship, great health, ideal career or right opportunity, you simply created it? This week’s guest moved to New York City and worked for several years in the financial field seeking the ideal career and firm. After years of putting in hard work but still unable to find the ideal firm, Elle Kaplan (, took a major leap and started her own 100% woman owned and operated investment firm, Lexion Capital Management ( Maybe it’s your turn to create the thing you have been looking for. Join us on this week’s show, as we discuss how Elle was able to create her own investment firm and get some practical steps to help you create the thing that you desire in life.
You have probably heard the expression, “think outside the box”, and now more than ever if you are trying to do something special or create a significant shift in your life, you really do need to think outside the box. While pursuing her Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University, this week’s...
Published 11/05/12
You have probably heard the expression, “think outside the box”, and now more than ever if you are trying to do something special or create a significant shift in your life, you really do need to think outside the box. While pursuing her Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University, this week’s...
Published 11/05/12