This week you have the pleasure of hearing from not one guest but two guests. Welcome Rivki Silver and Alex Fleksher, the hosts of the DMC podcast. They originally were known as the Normal Frum Woman podcast and transitioned into DMC in their second season. Their podcast is about exploring the complexities, nuances and joys of being a frum woman. Listen to how beautifully these two women compliment each other, feel their rhythm and get a peek into their popular podcast. When I asked them...
Published 11/09/22
Meet Yocheved Davidowitz the host of ; A deeper conversation. Yocheved lives in Cleveland with her husband and children. They started the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva of Cleveland 6 years ago (my son was fortunate to live in their home for three years). Our conversation is more than two podcasters sharing their trade; it is more like mothers sharing their love for learning and the gift of giving it over. As Yocheved says so poignantly, “Small numbers make a big impact” and if we inspire one, that is...
Published 11/02/22
Meet Dovid Bashevkin, the host of the 18forty podcast. David/Dovid Bashevkin is the director of education for NCSY, the youth movement of the Orthodox Union, and an instructor at Yeshiva University, where he teaches courses on public policy, religious crisis, and rabbinic thought. I personally gleaned so much wisdom for life and for my own personal podcast. Listen to how one prepares and seeks to create a community with the listeners as well as an intimate conversation with those Dovid is...
Published 10/26/22
Sarah Pachter is a dynamic, motivational speaker who has lectured throughout the US and Israel. For the past thirteen years Sarah has passionately taught women of all ages and levels of Jewish observance, drawing in large crowds with her innovative and personal touch. In addition to lecturing for many organizations, schools, and synagogues, she is a Kallah teacher, dating coach, and mentor. Sarah runs growth groups in private homes and meets with individuals for one-on-one private sessions....
Published 09/21/22
Eliyahu Pereira grew up in Miami Florida with one parent from Brazil and the other one from South Africa! He currently lives in Tzefat with his wife. We miraculously met on the streets of Tzefat this summer and the result of that meeting came this amazing conversation. Eliyahu’s words are eloquent and well thought out. He truly lives and breathes that “Everything is here to bring you closer to Hashem! Some of the wisdom from our conversation was how : we need to “Take all the vitamins from...
Published 09/14/22
rica_klein [email protected] Erica Klein grew up in Monterey, California and currently lives in Los Angeles. She is known for her feature role in Elliot Moss’ music video “Without the Lights” directed/choreographed by Phillip Chbeeb which went viral on Facebook receiving over 48 million views. Erica is a dancer who has moved me and it was a true MIRACLE to have had the opportunity to interview her for my podcast. I know you will enjoy our conversation that covers her upbringing, her...
Published 09/07/22
Moshe Reuven grew up in South Florida and if his friends can see him now…. This conversation is powerful, entertaining and definitely inspiring. Listen to how Moshe Reuven describes himself as “My journey was walking with G-d”. He was always passionate about what life can offer and went deeper into Judaism while in University. He is hip hop artist and businessman extraordinaire, took advantage of this unique time of COVID to focus on his music, and help heal the world through song.  His...
Published 08/31/22
Hillel Fuld is an American Israeli technology blogger, vlogger, business advisor, and international speaker. Fuld's work focuses on the Israeli high tech industry, guidance for startup companies, and marketing tips for growing a business or personal brands. I was fortunate to have him join season 8 “ The Miracle” season. As you listen to this episode you will definitely feel the energy and the sincerity of Hillel. As he explains so well…“People are afraid to own their identity” while he...
Published 08/24/22
Ariella Steinreich is a prominent communications professional and strategic advisor in the United States and the Middle East. She is an SVP at Steinreich Communications where she leads the global corporate/issues practice and the firm’s Middle East division. She creates and implements global communications and media relations programs for leading companies and organizations around the world. Ariella is also a former student of mine and we reconnected over social media. Her story and her job...
Published 08/17/22
Come meet Elizabeth Savetsky who grew up in Texas with a strong Jewish identity. She came to New York for college and fell in love with the city. While in NYU she got connected to her Jewish roots. While living in the city, post marriage, she began a blog on accessories and trends. She slowly shifted and began sharing on Instagram. Now a mother of 3 they are moving back to New York!  On her account you will find beautiful Jewish advocacy content delivered in a creative fashion. So what does...
Published 08/10/22
Hold on tight for a crazy ride!!! Meet Bari Mitzmann; originally from Brooklyn and is now living in Henderson Nevada for the past 6 years. While you listen to this episode you will hear Bari’s journey with mental health and physical health and her spiritual health. With that comes great wisdom on relationships especially with Hashem: “The closer you are the more emotions will be involved” Through it all she runs a social media business,  a blog,   a podcast, she is  a content creator, and...
Published 08/03/22
Meet Jodeci, originally from Essex, England. He now lives in Israel. He first found out that he was Jewish at the age of 11. Listen to his wonderful “Miraculous” life journey; from rediscovering his Jewish roots and meeting his wife! Jodeci/Yehuda’s  energy is infectious and his voice is so enjoyable to listen to. He is a person that truly appreciates every moment, every day! And looks at his challenges as areas of growth. As Jodice/Yehuda says: “These challenges have brought me more...
Published 07/27/22
Meet Stephanie Pollak! At first I had thought she fit into 2 of our previous seasons but in actuality this is the ultimate BONUS because Stephanie taps into 4 of the previous episodes! Come and listen to how she refocused her social media… rose to life challenges ( or as she likes to call them : Opportunities)… single mom ( recently remarried)… life coaching! She truly has a wealth of knowledge that you don’t want to miss. Take this wonderful journey with episode 6; you won’t be...
Published 06/29/22
Welcome Aimee Baron who is a pediatrician by trade and  who now runs a non profit organization called “I was supposed to have a baby”- They provide wonderful emotional support via social media. It provides a space; anywhere and everywhere for people not to feel alone. In this episode she also recounts her personal story and journey with secondary infertility ( the inability to conceive or carry a baby to term after previously giving birth) at a time when infertility awareness in the Jewish...
Published 06/22/22
Come meet Melinda Strauss! Originally from Seattle Washington and currently living in Long Island Ny. In 2011 Melinda Strauss became a food blogger and health coach. As time went on her social media presence grea. Recently she began posting on Tik Tok. “I love to answer questions” she also stated: ”orthodox doesn’t look one way” and this became her opportunity to share the word win. Melinda Strauss on Instagram: @therealmelindastrauss or www.Melindastrauss.com Thinking about starting a...
Published 06/15/22
Meet Dr. Alexandra Solomon; author of two best selling books and over the last two decades, Dr. Alexandra H. Solomon has become one of today’s most trusted voices in the world of relationships, and her work on Relational Self-Awareness has reached millions of people around the world. Dr. Solomon is a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University, and she is on faculty in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University where she teaches...
Published 06/01/22
Esti Hamilton or better known as Rebbetzin Esti @rebbetzin_esti_ was born , raised and currently lives in London. Her specific journey began when she lived in Israel as a newlywed and had her first child. He was diagnosed with a rare condition and she and her husband were told he would not live very long. Well he is now 19! Come and listen to how Rebbetzin Esti grows through her challenges and not simply goes through them. She has wit , wisdom and humor all from a deep authentic Torah...
Published 05/25/22
Rivki Rabinowitz has always been naturally creative and with a strong background in interior design; she began to combine it all together. Her passion for the past 12-15 years has been fitness and nutrition which is highlighted on her instagram account. Over time her account  has transformed as she did as well. Rivki is also a podcaster of the well loved podcast “ Kale in my Teeth” and she also works for Mishpacha magazine and is the editor of the interior design segment called “Family Room”....
Published 05/11/22
Meet my very good friend, Miriam Sandler! From Florida to New Jersey and soon back to Florida. Miriam is what she calls a “Jewban”. Her singing career started at age 18 and has continued ever since. The only difference is her audience.  Miriam is a true performer and loves that moment of connection she gets with her audience. Her yearning for true depth is what pushed her away from the entertainment world and into a world dedicated to Judaism. When she writes her music she says it is a form...
Published 03/30/22
Wow ! What an honor ! Come meet Yoni Z. Not only is he a singer and songwriter ; he is a true entertainer.  One of his all time favorite things to hear from fans is : “I don’t like Jewish music but I listen to you!” Yoni has been singing since the young age of 15. What he finds the most rewarding is being able to bring emotions to the lyrics and is what motivates him to push through again and again even through moments of stage fright that he has felt. In this interview one will get inside...
Published 03/23/22
WOW!!! Come meet a true entertainer!!! Chanale grew up in Miami and now resides in Israel. As a young girl her home was always filled with music and her passion simply grew from there. Chanale is a true artist and even offers courses on show business and song writing. She is all about the importance of people recognizing what they can contribute to this world. “ The first step is knowing what you are worth!” This episode has numerous twists and turns ; whether the discussion is about the...
Published 03/16/22
Come meet Dovi Halpern; originally from Atlanta Georgia, a digital recruiter by profession and “Hashem’s Warrior”  a Jewish heavy metal project is his passion. “From this war” was the first song he wrote and was a way to say his message to Hashem when he was at a loss of words. He hopes this connects to others who are struggling to find their words. “I am just a guy who wants to connect to God and help others do the same”. Listen to this beautiful conversation and how Dovi aligns his life...
Published 03/09/22
Meet Chani Lisbon; she started doing comedy about 10 years ago when a good friend suggested she take an improv class. Chani found the 6 week class to be intoxicating which then jump started her on this path of comedy. “It felt like magic!” To help her with her craft she has an  “Action Partner” and they hold each other accountable and which promotes discipline in creating material for her comedy sets. Chani is also sober now for 14 years and is here to help anyone on their journey. As said...
Published 03/02/22
Welcome Leah Forster; believe it or not she was the quiet one growing up and as the years went by Leah developed her natural comedic talent and skills in school productions and later took classes in college. What may surprise many of you is that being a comedian is not her profession but rather her PASSION! In this episode Leah presents beautiful life lessons from her journey, when she thought she had hit rock bottom she learned to rise above. She talks about how she values privacy and how...
Published 02/23/22
Here is Liba Yoffe, a mom of 4 and the CEO of Spirit Fit Life. She currently lives in Phoenix, Arizona and her mission is “ Becoming strong from the inside out!” Her program is for all ages and she and her coaches teach that “you are not physically strong if you are not mentally strong!” Getting fit is not just about ourselves, Liba explains, rather if we can change it for ourselves we can change it for the next generation. Liba runs a high quality program that teaches you resilience and her...
Published 01/19/22