With the arrival of April, you’re likely to spend more time outdoors under the stars. So why not bring along our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast? It provides an informative and entertaining 12-minute guided tour of the nighttime sky. Download the April episode to explore the fascinating movement of four planets in the sky before dawn.
Published 04/01/22
Whether you’re just getting started in astronomy or simply looking to do some casual sky-watching, our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast provides an informative and entertaining 12-minute guided tour of the nighttime sky. Download the March episode to find and learn about Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky.
Published 03/01/22
Our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast provides an informative and entertaining 12-minute guided tour of the nighttime sky. Download February’s episode to explore the colorful constellations that surround Orion, the Hunter.
Published 02/01/22
There’s no better way to start the new year than listening to our monthly Sky Tour astronomy podcast. It’s an informative and entertaining 12-minute guided tour of the nighttime sky.
Published 01/01/22
December’s solstice brings the longest northern nights, and it’s a busy month for stargazers: the Geminid meteors, a visit from Comet Leonard, and a plethora of bright stars and constellations.
Published 12/01/21
With darkness coming earlier now, take advantage of November's clear evenings to explore the nighttime sky with our audio guided tour.
Published 11/01/21
Take advantage of October's crisp, clear evenings and early-arriving dawns to explore the nighttime sky with our audio guided tour.
Published 10/01/21
The calendar might say “September,” but now is the perfect time to explore the Summer Triangle. Find your way with this month’s Sky Tour podcast.
Published 09/01/21
The Perseids are upon us — and as you're looking out for shooting stars, look for Jupiter and Saturn low in the southeast as soon as night begins to fall.
Published 08/01/21
True darkness is fleeting in July, especially at higher latitudes. So make the most of the darkness you have, by downloading our narrated Sky Tour podcast to "what's up" in the night sky.
Published 07/01/21
June features long days and short nights in the Northern Hemisphere, so download our narrated Sky Tour astronomy podcast to make the most of the abbreviated dark hours after sunset. Special event: a partial solar eclipse on June 10th!
Published 06/01/21
Exciting celestial events will happen during May, so download our narrated Sky Tour astronomy podcast to find out about this month's Eta Aquariid meteor shower and a total lunar eclipse.
Published 04/30/21
To learn “what’s up” at night during April, download Sky Tour — an engaging narrated guide to the planets, stars, and constellations now visible.
Published 04/01/21
Our Sky Tour astronomy podcast provides an engaging guided tour of the planets, stars, and constellations overhead during March.
Published 03/01/21
When you step outside to admire the crisp, starlit night sky on February evenings, bring along our Sky Tour astronomy podcast to learn which stars and constellations are overhead. Here’s a preview of what you'll see.
Published 02/01/21
Start the new year right with the easy-to-follow stargazing highlights offered by our Sky Tour astronomy podcast. Here's a preview of this month's guided audio tour.
Published 12/31/20
Step outside after sunset this month to spot Jupiter and Saturn's dramatic pairing, 2020's best meteor shower, and more!
Published 12/01/20
With the return to standard time, November evenings come very early for northern observers — a chance to get in some quick stargazing before dinner!
Published 11/01/20
October evenings offer many wonderful night-sky sights — including a dramatic appearance by Mars — and you can find them by listening to our guided audio tour of the star-filled sky.
Published 10/01/20
Take advantage of September's beautiful evenings to gaze upward as you listen to our guided tour of the star-filled sky.
Published 09/01/20
August's Sky Tour is your personally guided tour of the summer nighttime sky. It tells you "what's up" in a fun, casual way that your whole family can enjoy.
Published 07/31/20
July's 11-minute Sky Tour astronomy podcast describes what to see in the summer sky in a casual, engaging way that your whole family can enjoy.
Published 07/01/20
Our 10-minute Sky Tour astronomy podcast guides you to planets, stars, and constellations in the early-summer sky in a casual, engaging way that your whole family can enjoy.
Published 06/01/20
Would you like to learn your way around the night sky in just 10 minutes? This month's Sky Tour astronomy podcast helps you to navigate all across the late-spring sky like a stargazing veteran. No experience or equipment needed!
Published 05/01/20
April is one of the better months for stargazing. Spring evenings are generally pleasant, and the bugs haven’t taken control — yet! Even with daylight time in effect, evening twilight comes fairly early. You’ll find that the Sun sets between 7:30 and 8 p.m. during most of this month, and by 9 p.m. it’s good […]
Published 04/01/20