De Ja Vu?
Having just rerun the outstanding Season 1 on Watergate, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the Nixon true believers and present day MAGAs or more accurately Trump tragics. I thought the study of history was supposed the prevent the same mistakes being made again?!? This podcast should be mandatory listening before anyone in the US enters a polling booth
yommumma via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 10/06/24
More reviews of Slow Burn
A s-town style exploration of watergate that time travels back and forth between the Nixon and Trump era. Articulating for you that eerie feeling you got when you rewatched "All The Presidents Men" after Trump fired Comey. I was born in 92' and I've been asking just this...Read full review »
Spectorpolitic via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 11/29/17
One episode in, and I’m hooked! Excellent story telling.
Srah44 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/05/17
.....but a very fascinating podcast which offers something new to even a watergate junky like me.....
kevgate via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 12/06/17
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