“I don't understand why I why I NEED them to be together so much. So much of what happened in the past makes me dislike Derek, and yet… I am obsessed with the notion of them ending up together (or at least making out). Perhaps this is just my own personal bias (and the type of person that I tend to be attracted to). I just feel like he really cares about her. He does not show this is good ways that often, so I understand those who don't see it. They have such scintillating chemistry. I don't know… I just obsessed.
Love the show! (SMASH, and this podcast). It is my morning ritual to download this the morning after SMASH and listen to in on my way to class. Much giggling. And, it's nice to get other peoples views on the show. Thank you.”
Just.Fiona via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·