GBV Series Ep. 2 | Designing Social Protection to Safeguard and Mitigate against Gender-Based Violence
In this episode of the "Social Protection for Prevention of and Response to Gender-Based Violence" series, our guests discuss how economic factors can drive gender-based violence at the community level, and why this is important for social protection programming. The focus is on designing social protection programmes that can prevent gender-based violence against women and people with diverse gender identities, expressions, and sexual orientations (SOGIESC).
The guests draw on available evidence and practical experience to discuss various aspects of the social protection delivery chain, including targeting, registration, payment, and the unique risks and issues related to people with diverse SOGIESC.
Guests for this episode include Shalini Roy, Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and Emily Dwyer, Founder and Co-Director of Edge Effect.
In the "Quick Wins" segment, two guests from the World Bank—Alessandra Heinemann, Social Protection Specialist, and Gender Lead, and Palak Rawal, Gender and Social Protection Consultant—offer practical advice on designing social protection programmes that can safeguard and prevent gender-based violence. They also share additional resources for further reading on the topic.
The joint webinar and podcast series "Social Protection for Prevention of and Response to Gender-Based Violence" is produced by and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), with support from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). Tune in for the first webinar of the series, Girls Deserve Better: Countering Violence Against Adolescents through Social Protection, taking place on 28 March at 8.30 AM EDT.
Episode links:
Publication: Cash transfers and intimate partner violence: A research view on design and implementation for risk mitigation and prevention
Publication: We don’t do a lot for them specifically: A scoping report on gaps and opportunities for improving diverse SOGIESC inclusion in cash transfer and social protection programs, during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond
Podcast: How can social protection impact gender-based violence?
Quick Wins links
Publication: Safety first: How to leverage social safety nets to prevent gender-based violence
Online course: How to leverage social safety nets to prevent gender-based violence
Publication: Invisible women: exposing data bias in a world designed for men