Today, Rabbi Moffic discusses wealth in terms of freedom, independence, and the ability to live the kind of life that we’d like. Of course, we must learn to navigate challenging times. Rabbi Moffic reminds of the Hebrew scripture that says that God created the cure before the illness. He reminds us that humans are not a burden as some have thought but rather an asset, and capable of dealing with challenges beyond what we can imagine.  [3:00] Why does God allow this disease, COVID-19, to...
Published 05/02/20
What’s the meaning of freedom? How can it be applied to business and prosperity? Today, Rabbi Evan Moffic describes the sentiment from the Jewish tradition of Passover to explain freedom from a different perspective. Join us weekly for more wisdom taken from the success of Solomon shared with all faiths.  Text the word INCOME to 66866 for 10 biblical verses on the connection between money and happiness Key Takeaways: [3:00] Hebrew word for Egypt is Mizraim, from narrow places [5:00]...
Published 04/15/20
Stay Calm, Keep Good Counsel, Keep Your Eye On The Ball, Take Action. Rinse, and repeat. Jason Hartman is joined in today’s episode with his co-host, Rabbi Evan Moffic. Evan brings up some challenging questions about a new potential tax break from the CARES Act. What does Trump bring to the table as our first RE President? Will there be a global currency or an ever-growing nationwide rental assistance program? Key Takeaways: [1:25] New tax break, CARES Act, using depreciation to offset...
Published 04/13/20
How have short-term rentals changed amid coronavirus? Jason interviews Evan on his recent short-term rental purchase and how bookings have changed. Once again, this proves the shift from high-density living environments to low-density dwellings.  Stay tuned in to hear from a local market specialist with details on Jacksonville, Ocala, Palm Coast and Atlanta. What information can we learn about current mortgage rates and how they compared to rates post 9/11?  Key Takeaways: [4:00] Closing...
Published 04/07/20
Today, Rabbi Evan Moffic continues discussing biblical wisdom and how we can live a richer happier life. Today, Rabbi Moffic shares some thoughts on what wealth is and what does wealth mean in our lives? Have we learned anything from Coronavirus and how it affects us?  Key Takeaways: [2:30] What is wealth and what does it mean in our lives? [4:00] All of us experience that real world, money doesn’t guarantee safety and security [5:45] Wealth is about relationships, it’s about the people  ...
Published 04/03/20
Today, Rabbi Moffic shares encouraging thoughts and wisdom to keep calm amidst the storm. There is no need to chase down “get rich quick” schemes when we have a 3,000-year-old document rich with wisdom. In life, and in times like these, it’s important to examine the opportunity you are given and the perspective you choose. Join Rabbi Moffic today as he shares stories and wisdom from all walks of life.  Key Takeaways: [1:30] Who needs "get rich quick" schemes when we have a 3,000-year-old...
Published 03/31/20
Our guest host, Rabbi Evan Moffic shares biblical lessons from Solomon that can be applied to business and life. Today, Rabbi Moffic talks about how to deal with stress and anxiety in the wake of this economic downturn. As well, he extends some knowledge from David Allen about effective planning.  Key Takeaways: [1:45] Text the word “Income” 66866, 7 step guide to observing the Sabbath [4:18] “When there is no vision, the people perish.” -Proverbs [6:19] Getting Things Done by David...
Published 03/25/20
Our guest host, Rabbi Evan Moffic shares biblical lessons from Solomon that can be applied to business and life. Today, Rabbi Moffic discusses wisdom that can be used in understanding how to react to the Coronavirus Pandemic dilemma. Be a leader by having hope and confidence in the future.  Key Takeaways: [1:30] Text Income to 66866 for a free guide to Sabbath Rest [2:48] Sometimes fear is necessary [4:51] Pikuach nefesh saving a life [5:50] Al tifrosh min hatzibur: Do not separate...
Published 03/23/20
Today, Rabbi Evan Moffic discusses wisdom and the pursuit of a life of freedom, and a life of true wealth, success, and significance. Evan shares some of the same principles the ancient Israelites used and how they are applicable in today’s investment real estate. Lastly, Evan reminds us of the importance of how we treat the land that we are borrowing from God.  Key Takeaways: [2:05]  Money isn’t a dirty topic, how we spend our money often illustrates our values [3:20] What are some of the...
Published 03/18/20
Rabbi Evan Moffic talks about living in fear, especially in this day of Coronavirus pandemic. But fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The way in which we handle fear can be a strength. Part of success comes from confronting our fear, and getting out of our comfort zone.  Key Takeaways: [2:15] Dealing with the Coronavirus panic in the air [3:30]  “The whole world is a narrow bridge “ -Nachman of Bratslav [7:25] If we can understand our fear, we will be healthier human beings [9:15]...
Published 03/16/20
Rabbi Evan Moffic is here today to discuss 5 ways you can make yourself happier. Money and happiness are related, but not the same thing. There's also a difference between pleasure and happiness. One is fleeting, the other lasting. The best way to get wealth is to meet other people's needs, but how do you spend your money to make you happier? Listen in as Rabbi Moffic explores just that in today's episode. Website: www.JasonHartman.com
Published 11/23/19
In the previous episode Rabbi Evan Moffic explored whether it was a sin to be wealthy. Today, he examines four reasons you, as a believer, should WANT to be wealthy. Remember, money is neither good nor bad, it's what you do with it that truly matters. Website: www.JasonHartman.com
Published 11/18/19
Rabbi Moffic discusses four reasons that you really want to be wealthy in our society today. It's not for the reasons many people want to be wealthy, it's not about status and buying things to give us status among other people. In fact, the desire for wealth can push us to constantly get better at what we do; the pursuit and attainment of wealth can change our self-perception. Being wealthy opens us up to the ability to give and serve so many more people than we could if we weren't aspiring...
Published 10/22/19
Rabbi Moffic explores the question of whether it's a sin to be rich. Many in today's society equate being wealthy with sin in our society. But, in reality, how we use money reflects our innermost values. Part of building wealth is solving problems. People that see money as a sin think of money as a scarce resource, that if we have some then they can't have any.Money is not a goal in itself, it's a means to a higher goal, which is service. Website: www.JasonHartman.com
Published 10/14/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic discusses one of his favorite passages from Ecclesiastes and the 5 things it teaches us about managing risk. Risk is everywhere in life, even when it's minimal. As people, it's important to think long term, because what we're doing right now determines our future. We should look to create multiple streams of income to prepare us for whatever eventualities come our way, as well as focus on small, consistent, patient actions to get us where we want to go. Website: ...
Published 09/29/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic examines 6 of the reasons that King Solomon was able to amass as much as he was able during his life. They're all things that we ourselves can utilize to make our lives better. We all need to keep our focus in a distracted world in order to allow us to discover what our unique advantage is. It's also important to figure out how we can get things done through other people, while also identifying what we should say yes to and what we should say no to. Website: ...
Published 09/21/19
Rabbi Moffic takes today's show to discuss Joshua, the successor of Moses, and the three things he is told by God that are still applicable today. In some degree, we are all successors of those that came before us. In the bible God's advice to Joshua, to never let the bible part from his lips, to meditate on it day and night, and to be careful to do all that is in it, teach him to be the leader that he's meant to be. We can use that advice from God to teach us the habits we need in our daily...
Published 09/10/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic takes today's show to discuss 5 ways we should be using language in today's world based on what the bible tells us. One small tweak in our language can change our mindset. Rabbi Moffic explains how the story of the Rabbi and the feather pillow shows us the importance of language, as well as 5 tips for how you can use language to improve your life as well as others. Website: www.JasonHartman.com/Properties
Published 08/31/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic spends today's show discussing what the bible tells us about how to treat immigrants. In today's world we have a contrast between our manmade laws and the biblical laws that are laid out for us in regards to immigration. The bible tells us to respect borders, but it also discusses the importance of treating all people as creations of God. Listen in as Rabbi Moffic explains how we can make the two differing laws work in today's world. Website: www.SolomonSuccess.com
Published 08/24/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic speaks today about the importance of putting time on your side, which investing in income property can do for you. Just because you're getting older doesn't mean that there's not still time. In fact, many of the heroes in the Old Testament have their greatest moments late in life. Studies have shown us that our happiness really starts to increase after we reach 60. As you get older you start to realize that we're stewards to younger generations. Website: ...
Published 08/17/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic leads the show today discussing key numbers that appear in the bible. There's a common thread in many aspects of our lives. Numbers, or multiples of a number, that keep appearing that leads to a significance. Rabbi Moffic explores which numbers are significant in the bible and why they are important both for us as believers and us as humans. Key Takeaways: [2:32] Numbers are how we keep score and reveal the truth [7:23] We can give numbers to almost everything to help us...
Published 08/12/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic leads the show today discussing how a comic strip creator can teach us things about ourselves that the bible tries to show us and that can help us in our investing. Many of us have certain beliefs in what kind of people we are and how we react in various situations, but they don't hold true. Rabbi Moffic explains how we can set our lives in a way that we can respond in ways that are consistent with our beliefs, not just in an instictual lashing out. Key Takeaways: [5:51]...
Published 08/04/19
Today's topic is anger. Rabbi Evan Moffic presents 5 practices that we can use to deal with our anger. The danger with anger is we lose control, we respond in a way that we regret and closes the door on future interactions on the matter. Listen in as Rabbi Moffic explains how Solomon deal with these issues, both in good and bad ways, and learn how to productively handle your angry moments. Key Takeaways: [2:37] We are a society that thrives on anger [6:21] We can't always control our...
Published 07/28/19
Guest host Evan Moffic takes today to discuss the importance of the sabbath. In today's rush, rush, rush society, it's too easy to never step back and appreciate everything that we have. Key Takeaways: [3:15] The secret to getting things done is to take a full day off every week [7:22] Productivity increases more when rest is involved [8:30] The 1st step to find our sense of sabbath purpose [12:51] It's important to read and study, as well as sharing a meal with friends and family ...
Published 07/19/19
Rabbi Evan Moffic takes today's episode to discuss what we can learn about real estate from one of the first real estate magnates in the world, Joseph. Key Takeaways: [2:11] People are constantly looking for guidance [5:05] Joseph may have been one of the first to recognize the 7 year economic cycle [7:56] We need to use our gifts for good [10:04] In times of trouble you have to focus on how to get through them Website: www.JasonHartman.com/Properties
Published 07/14/19