Zach Weinersmith is the author of “A City on Mars: Can we settle space, should we settle space, and have we really thought this through?”   He joins to discuss the legal and economic feasibility of building settlements on Mars or the Moon   SUPPORT THE SHOW! www.patreon.com.andrewheaton   Robert Zubrin: Want to Build a Moon Base https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-98-i-want-to-build-a-moon-base-guest-robert-zubrin/id1439837349?i=1000434628317   Robert Zubrin on Mars ...
Published 01/12/24
Greg Lukianoff is the President of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, and along with Rikki Schlott, is the author of "The Cancelling of the American Mind: Cancel Culture Undermines Trust, Destroys Institutions, and Threatens Us All--But There Is a Solution."    Get the the book: www.mightyheaton.com/featured TPO: Greg Lukianoff discussing his last book, “The Coddling of the American Mind.” ...
Published 01/03/24
New York Times columnist David Brooks believes a basic breakdown in interpersonal skills is the origin of our current political rancor. His new book, "How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply And Being Deeply Seen" aims to fix that. He joins to discuss how to better connect with people, and its implications.  Support the show! www.patreon.com/andrewheaton Buy the book: www.mightyheaton.com/featured
Published 12/28/23
Highlights from Christmas comedy specials of years gone by. Enjoy!
Published 12/23/23
It's the sixth annual comedy Christmas special! Underwritten by Snuffy's (Off Route 44).   This year's Christmas special includes: Muppets, Artificial Intelligence, circumcision, a robotic horse, and beloved English actors.   Enjoy!   Link for Christmas Zoom: www.mightyheaton.com/christmas   Venmo: andrew-heaton-1   PayPal: [email protected]     PREVIOUS CHRISTMAS SPECIALS   Snuffy's Explosion-Proof Christmas - ...
Published 12/21/23
Deed restrictions allow you to make contractual obligations with other homeowners–often, dead ones. How do deed restrictions and HOA’s drive up housing costs and hurt density? How do we allow private contracts to exist without running into the downsides of neighborhood covenants. Chris Gannon works with the American Institute of Architects on their Housing Committee. He joins to discuss.
Published 12/13/23
Chris Moody and his wife called their telecom provider, to ask that their Internet service be scrapped, and replaced by a landline. They do not have cell reception on the mountain where they live, so eschew wifi and the world wide web in favor of a single hardwired phone inside their home. Chris joins the show to discuss how the change affected his lifestyle and happiness, and offer advice on what others can do. REFERENCES:  TPO: Would You Shut Down the Internet If You Could? ...
Published 12/06/23
Juries have the ability to vote “not guilty” even when it’s clear the accused violated established law. If a jury judges a law as unjust and refuses to convict, is that a needed recourse within our judicial system, or contrary to objective and universal justice?  Attorney Paul Townsend joins to discuss.
Published 11/29/23
This Thanksgiving Brian Brushwood joins to discuss the many ways an average American's life is more comfortable, affluent, and magical than the vast majority of human history--including that of pharaohs and kings.   BOOKS: This episode relies heavily on "The Rational Optimist" by Matt Ridley, "Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know" by Ron Bailey, and "The Better Angels of Our Nature" by Stephen Pinker, and "Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think" by Peter H. Diamandis....
Published 11/23/23
How many nuclear bombs do we actually need to sufficiently scare an enemy? How many is too many? If we agree to reduce our stockpiles… how can we trust that the other guy really did? Travis Halleman is an expert on nuclear deterrence, and joins to discuss.    Links:   Who Actually Survives a Nuclear War: https://www.patreon.com/posts/who-actually-war-71978682?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=postshare_creator   Ward Wilson: Everything You Know About Nukes is...
Published 11/21/23
Cenk Uygur is a flame-throwing progressive pundit, host of The Young Turks, co-founder of Justice Democrats, and author of “Justice is Coming: How Progressives Are Going to Take Over The Country And America Is Going to Love It.” He joins to discuss his book, polemics, and his possible presidential run.  “Was Abraham Lincoln Leftwing or Rightwing?” https://podcasts.apple.com/gr/podcast/was-abraham-lincoln-leftwing-or-rightwing/id1439837349?i=1000613342722 Cenk’s book at:...
Published 11/15/23
Gene Epstein is the founder and moderator of the Soho Forum, a debate society, and is the former Economics editor at Barron’s. He joins to discuss the nature of trickle down economics, its proponents and detractors, and the biggest factors in political economy which lead to inequality. LINKS : Soho Forum https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-soho-forum-debates/id1485021246
Published 11/08/23
What happens when your religious, ethnic, and political identities converge into a mega identity? Dannagal Goldthwaite Young is the author of  "Wrong: How Media, Politics, and Identity Drive our Appetite for Misinformation." She joins to discuss identity, and how it leads to misinformation.  Her book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured Previous appearance: “Late Night Comedy vs. The Outrage Industry” https://politicalorphanage.libsyn.com/late-night-comedy-vs-the-outrage-industry
Published 11/01/23
Robert Sapolsky is a professor of biology and neurobiology at at Stanford University, and the recipient of a MacArthur Genius Grant. He is the author of "Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will." He joins to discuss the case against free will, and its societal implications.  Robert’s Book at www.mightyheaton.com/featured Socrates Sketch:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2QrrYug_VQ&t=35s The Emperor Claudius ...
Published 10/25/23
Michael Glennon is the author of “National Security and Double Government.” He joins to discuss the growth of America’s national security apparatus, and how it functionally upends Madisonian democracy while leaving constitutional rhetoric in tact. Support the Show! Patreon.com/andrewheaton Glennon’s book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured LINKS: Charles Cooke on Abolishing the FBI...
Published 10/18/23
Randy Barnett is one of America’s foremost jurists, and a professor at Georgetown Law. He joins to discussed unenumerated rights, in the context of the 9th and 10th amendments.  SUPPORT THE SHOW! www.patreon.com/andrewheaton Randy Barnett’s books at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured Law Episodes Collection: https://www.patreon.com/collection/140707    
Published 10/12/23
Depending on whether society treats people primarily as individuals or as identity groups has deep ramifications for worldviews, government policy, and the long-term health of society. Yascha Mounk is the author of “The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in our Time.” He joins to discuss. Book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured “When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev373c7wSRg
Published 10/04/23
Antipathy towards communism tends to come from its consequences–liberal democracy and markets have yielded greater prosperity, so we should embrace them over socialism. Michael Malice posits a different argument–that regardless of consequence, the Soviet Union and allied communists were evil from the get go, and should be remembered and condemned for it. He is the author of “The White Pill: A Tale of Good and Evil.” He joins to discuss. Michael’s book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured ...
Published 09/27/23
Emmy-award winning journalist John Stossel joins the Political Orphanage to talk about journalism and politics. Stossel’s career spans work on ABC News, Fox Business, and Reason TV. He's the winner of five national press award and 19 Emmies. His YouTube show, Stossel TV, appears every Tuesday. Buck Shwartzmore for 7th Floor Fire Marshall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdcRCj9QBtg&t=1s  
Published 09/21/23
Guy Standing stipulates that we should not think of property as either being private or state controlled, but ought to think of a third category: the commons. The commons is something wholly distinctive from either, and ought to be preserved. He joins to discuss this concept, outlined in his book, “Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto For Sharing Public Weath.” Support the show! www.patreon.com/andrewheaton Book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured
Published 09/13/23
What’s life like for a high schooler who’s home town gets invaded by a foreign army? Ali Ali was living in historic Babylon, in Iraq, during the War on Terror. He joins to discuss what an invasion is like, what life is like in a lawless state, and his interpretations of the United States as an immigrant to it.    https://abzu.blog/
Published 09/06/23
How do energy experts approach energy? Are there good sources and bad sources? What should we try to abolish and what should we lob subsidies at?   Dr. Michael Webber is a professor of Energy Resources and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of more than 500 scientific articles, columns, and books, including op-eds for the New York Times and Scientific American.    
Published 08/30/23
Recently former intelligence officer David Grusch appeared before Congress, and made the bold claims that the U.S. government owns multiple recovered extraterrestrial vehicles, as well as "biotics"--which is to say, alien bodies. How credible are these assertions, and how should the government respond to UFO's in general? Brian Dunning is the host of The Skeptoid podcast, and host of the new film "The UFO Movie THEY Don't Want You To See." Links:    Brian Dunning’s “The UFO Movie THEY...
Published 08/23/23
Is nuclear power cheap and safe, or dangerous and expensive? Dr. Robert Zubrin is the author of “The Case for Nukes: How We Can Beat Global Warming and Create a Free, Open, and Magnificent Future.”  Zubrin holds Master of Science degrees in Nuclear Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a doctorate in Nuclear Engineering, from the University of Washington. Prior to his work in aerospace, Dr. Zubrin worked in areas of radiation protection, nuclear power plant safety, thermonuclear...
Published 08/16/23
Dr. Steve Fuller of Warwick University says the meaningful split in society is not Leftwing vs. Rightwing, but rather Upwing vs. Downwing. Both have radically different attitudes to both risk and human nature, which informs their policy decisions and the direction they want to steer society.  SUPPORT THE SHOW! www.patreon.com/andrewheaton Dr. Fuller’s book at: www.mightyheaton.com/featured Referenced in the show today:  TPO: “Was Abraham Lincoln Leftwing or Rightwing?”...
Published 08/09/23