Astrology for Soul Alignment & Moon Energies with Kelli Janene
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Crystals on the Couch with Kelli Janene Kelli is an Astrologer, Energy Healer, Akashic Records Reader and Spiritual Life Coach. She loves exploring how astrology works for soul alignment in your career, life and manifestations.  Kelli works with you to guide you to your highest visions and authentic alignment. In this episode she talks about how you can use astrology in your life for your soul work, and step into our soul gifts.  - What is Astrology?  - Astrology and your natal chart  - Alignment and soul gifts  - Past life in Astrology  - Astrology readings and career  - Soul Path in Astrology  - Lunar North Node and South Node - Lunar Moon  - Psychic gifts in Astrology  - Sun and Star alignment  You can connect with Kelli @innertorus on Instagram and at