Practically every business uses images these days, we need them more than ever to market our businesses, for our websites and social media. But what's the deal with copyright? Who owns those images? What's the etiquette for crediting the photographer? And when you're working with a photographer, do you own the copyright or is that an additional cost?
In this episode, Amy asks Bo a series of questions from our community about copyright and licensing including:
• If a photo already exists on the internet - isn't it free to use?
• I paid a photographer to shoot this - so why don't I own the images?
• Why do I have to credit you all the time? Isn't payment enough?
• I've worked with other photographers before and I didn't have to credit them, what's the deal?
• I'm not sure exactly what I'll want to do with all of the images and I want to be free to change my mind - what if I can't clarify all of that before the shoot?
• That's my artwork in there. So how come you own the images?
Find out more about Bo through her website:
Arts Law Centre of Australia
Australian Copyright Council
Perth based lawyer Michael Tucak:
Article by Kylie Lewis: Be a good digital citizen: Interview with Catherine Wilson on her #createorcredit initiative
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