進補 jìn bǔ - to nourish the body, to take tonic
補湯 bǔ tāng - nourishing soup, tonic soup
能量 néng liàng - energy
往內收藏 wǎng nèi shōu cáng - to gather inward, to conserve energy
冬至 dōng zhì - winter solstice
體質 tǐ zhì - constitution, physical condition
溫補 wēn bǔ - warming tonic, to warm up the body
清補 qīng bǔ - cooling tonic, to cool down the body
偏寒 piān hán - cold-type, cold constitution
偏熱 piān rè - hot-type, hot constitution
手腳冰冷 shǒu jiǎo bīng lěng - cold hands and feet
屬於 shǔ yú - to belong to, to be classified as
寒性體質 hán xìng tǐ zhì - cold-type constitution
溫補 wēn bǔ - warming tonic
黃耆 huáng qí - astragalus (a medicinal herb)
當歸 dāng guī - angelica (a medicinal herb)
紅棗 hóng zǎo - red dates (used in Chinese medicine and cuisine)
枸杞 gǒu qǐ - goji berries (used in Chinese medicine and cuisine)
溫熱 wēn rè - warm, mildly hot
食材 shí cài - ingredients, food materials
燥熱 zào rè - dry and hot
上火 shàng huǒ - to get heat (often refers to an imbalance causing symptoms like mouth ulcers, sore throat)
口乾舌燥 kǒu gān shé zào - dry mouth and tongue, a symptom of heat in the body
涼補 liáng bǔ - cooling tonic
蓮子 lián zǐ - lotus seeds
四神湯 sì shén tāng - Four Gods Soup (a traditional Chinese herbal soup)
白蘿蔔 bái luó bo - white radish
清淡 qīng dàn - light (in flavor), mild
新冠肺炎 xīn guān fèi yán - COVID-19
痊癒 quán yù - to recover, to heal
狀態 zhuàng tài - state, condition
發炎 fā yán - inflammation
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