Intricate and personal dramatization of the real-life story of one of history’s most successful spies, Kim Philby. Intertwining narratives tell the tale of how Philby came to defect to the USSR in 1969 as well as the effects it had on British and American intelligence thereafter. Truly one of...
Published 06/26/23
Darkly comic Netflix television series follows a young CIA lawyer who manages to get completely in over his head in his first week at the agency. The CIA here is portrayed as being more obsessed with plausible deniability than operational effectiveness. Find where to watch here.
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Published 06/05/23
Timothy Dalton steps into the role of James Bond in the first film to try to ‘ground’ the story in somewhat more topical, post-Cold War scenarios. No volcano-dwelling supervillain here, rather a Columbian drug cartel headed by Robert Davi. A shockingly young Benicio del Toro provides the role...
Published 04/21/23