In *Strange Darling*, a gripping psychological thriller, a twisted game of cat and mouse unfolds between a serial killer and their latest target. Set over a single day, the film dives into the darkest corners of obsession and fear, blurring the lines between predator and prey. It's a relentless...
Published 11/16/24
Girish Wankhede, a seasoned expert in the realm of OTT platforms, offers his top five recommendations for must-watch titles this week. Renowned for his insightful analysis and business acumen, he has consistently guided viewers in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of streaming content. With...
Published 11/12/24
Scoop’ is an American thriller feature film streaming on Netflix which revolves around the process of negotiation with Buckingham Palace to acquire the TV Interview Rights of BBC’s team to interview Prince Andrew about his friendship with a convicted sex offender. Detailed and well researched,...
Published 04/27/24