An important part of setting future goals is reviewing and learning from the past.  This episode includes an 8-step process for reviewing and learning from your past year, as well as in interview. Diana and Riece join me, and we discuss the lessons that can be learned from reviewing, which can be carried forward into the next year.  This episode is so full, it has a free downloadable workbook to go with it! For your free printable copy of the 8-step process outlined, go to...
Published 12/27/23
If you notice that you find yourself thinking or saying, ‘look, I messed up there’  or ‘my timing could have been better there’ and you have an underlying feeling of disappointment, this episode is for you. In this week's episode, we discuss a simple tool that can help reduce the fear of mistakes and the trap of perfectionism. As riders develop the ability to feel more while riding, the heightened awareness will reveal both the things that ARE working, as well as the things that are not. ...
Published 12/20/23
In this episode,  Stacy Westfall delves into the intricacies of raw reactions versus rewarded responses, using her new yearling horse, Ember, as an example. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and influencing a horse's mental state alongside their physical actions. Stacy shares her approach to teaching Ember to stand quietly when tied, highlighting the challenge of discomfort that arises when horses make mistakes. She stresses the need for consistency in rewarding specific...
Published 12/13/23
Dread.  Disbelief… Disappointment.  In this episode, Stacy shares an incident where she felt these, and she shares how understanding your responses in ‘every day’ life will show up when you work with your horse.  Both of you will have thoughts and emotions when interacting.  By knowing yourself, you can begin to see your reactions separate from your horse's reactions. Topics discussed include: Your awareness of your first response Denying reality A harsh response to mistakes Glossing...
Published 12/06/23
“…there are hundreds of exchanges that are happening between horse and rider, and being able to observe those in as much detail as you can really helps you unlock what's happening with the communication.”   In this episode, two students join me, and we discuss the breakthroughs that are possible when the rider begins seeing the layers of training. The depth of learning lies in perceiving these layers and how they are impacting communication.  Topics include: Creating cycles of curiosity  ...
Published 11/22/23
Three students join me and share their challenges, and life lessons learned through horses. As you listen, pay close attention to the choices these students have made and how being part of a community supported this change. Topics discussed include: The wordless connection with horses Money Learning at your own pace The approach we learn with ourselves, and then use with our horses (and others in life) Becoming congruent Look for the good first Celebrating together I hope that by sharing...
Published 11/15/23
Frustration is an emotion that many riders report they feel. In this episode, Kathy and JoAnn share their personal journeys, which include leaving every ride feeling fulfilled and happy.  Listen for the challenges AND for how they navigated their way to the break thoughts.  Notice the determination exhibited when learning to self evaluate,  and the mindfulness they used in creating their own structure for training at home.  At one point this question is asked, ‘So now if she anticipates...
Published 11/08/23
In this episode, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a glimpse behind the scenes into the lives and journey of two students inside the Resourceful Rider program. Through these heartfelt conversations, you'll gain insight into their personal journeys. They'll share their stories of overcoming challenges, celebrating successes, and experiencing life-changing moments that have shaped their paths. Topics include: Feeling like you might not be ready Linear vs 3D training plans The...
Published 11/01/23
In this episode of Stacy Westfall's podcast, she delves into the concept of defining and celebrating success. Stacy reflects on why she didn't mention Gabby's recent winnings, contemplating whether it was due to societal pressures and fear of being labeled as bragging. She also highlights the importance of introspection, explaining that she didn't share her winnings because her focus was on the lessons learned from smaller, more meaningful moments during her training with Gabby. Stacy...
Published 10/25/23
In this episode, Stacy shares insights from her recent experiences at two horse shows in Kentucky and answers a listener's question regarding preparing for a Freestyle reining class and showing bridleless. She attended a NRHA (National Reining Horse Association)  show in Frankfort and the Liberty Festival at the Kentucky Horse Park, which was organized by the International Liberty Horse Association. Stacy observed that both experiences had similarities, emphasizing the importance of...
Published 10/18/23
In this episode, Stacy Westfall reflects on the 20th anniversary of her first bridleless competition ride, sharing insights from her journey. She begins by addressing common challenging emotions faced by riders and their underlying causes and then addresses the similarities between basic bending and advanced bending. Key points in this episode: Red flags like anxiety or concerns can feel like road blocks, but with a plan to address them, they become educational challenges. Dispelling the...
Published 10/11/23
This episode, Stacy answers a listener's question about working with ‘outliers’. Outliers are horses with unique needs or circumstances. Stacy shares insights from working with outlier horses, those not following the traditional training path. There are many valuable things that can be learned from a traditional or standard paths, which also helps us define outliers. Key Takeaways: Regularly plant tiny seeds in training. Keep requests small and rewards clear. Maintain a high success...
Published 10/04/23
In this episode, I answer a listener question about a horse who has become heavy on the bit.   Topics include: The importance of identifying concerns as a crucial first step before implementing any training techniques.
 How to identify limiting beliefs or thoughts that could hold you back I offer a new belief…with a warning How to detect if you really believe the new belief and technique will work. The concept of a "teeter totter" in horse training, where horses naturally shift between...
Published 09/27/23
In this podcast episode, I answer a question from a listener who is preparing to start their horse under saddle and has questions about the progression from a rope halter to bits with shanks.  Topics include: Progression with a focus on understanding the purpose of each tool. Consideration of the horse's understanding level, motivation, and emotional state  Direct and indirect cues are explained The importance of technique over the choice of equipment. I also offer three questions you...
Published 09/20/23
A listener wrote in that she recently got a new trail horse, and she said, “he's supposed to be a "super finished" trail horse.”  But he is not acting the way she imagined a finished trail horse should… Which brings up the question: What is a finished horse? 
There are many categories that can be used to evaluate a horse, and often there are different levels within each category. In addition, ‘finished’ in one area doesn’t necessarily mean finished in other, more basic areas.  In this...
Published 09/13/23
Early in training, or early in introducing a new concept, it is an EXCELLENT idea to reward the smallest try.  But here is the question. When do you start expecting the full answer? This is where people often get stuck. 
In this podcast, I explain the challenge that comes along with only rewarding the smallest try, ant two common thought errors that keep people from aiming for the final answer. Subtle shouldn’t mean incomplete…but if you’re not careful, that’s what you’ll teach. 
Published 09/06/23
It is remarkable how well horses can learn to read a rider's seat cues.  In this podcast, I explain how I use my seat cues to communicate with my horses, including how these seat cues can naturally develop.  A seat can: Follow the motion Get ahead of the motion Get behind the motion One hip bone can be more on top of the saddle-to the left or right One hip bone can be leading or behind These can be used in many combinations to communicate in detail with your horse.  In this podcast,...
Published 08/30/23
If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, you have probably heard me say, “Your horse is asking you questions.” Sometimes people will reply, “My horse isn’t asking questions…he is making statements!” In this episode, I explain how horses develop limiting beliefs, what useful beliefs are, and how viewing something as a statement vs a question matters.  Your horse asks questions with his body.  When a horse is being ridden, the questions they ask look like; break of gait,...
Published 08/23/23
The questions you ask will impact the information you gather and your entire riding experience.  Often times, the question “Am I doing this right” Or “Is this correct?” is a lightly veiled, “Is this wrong?” or “This is probably wrong…” or some variation.  You’ll know by the way it feels in your body.  One way to improve your rate of learning is to ask high-quality questions.  High-quality questions are rarely answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  High-quality questions are more...
Published 08/16/23
One goal when riding is an increasing consistency in your horses' response to your cues.  This will only be possible when YOU are consistent with the application of, and release of, the cue.  The quickest, most reliable way to develop this is by keeping things simple and repeating them: riding a pattern.  But then what? And how can you know that the cue is being strengthened...not just the horse memorizing the pattern? In this podcast, I outline - where to go next so you can ensure the...
Published 08/09/23
Have you ever wondered, but how do I get him to do it for longer?  Maybe you want your horse to keep loping until you tell him to stop. Maybe you want him to stand until you ask him to go.  Maybe you show in western dressage, and your horse keeps popping his head up during the free walk…and you want him to keep it down until you ask him to bring it back up.  A big part of getting a horse to maintain something starts with the horse’s first response. Repeatable comes before maintainable. ...
Published 08/02/23
Training a horse involves creating a language between horse and rider.  It is very common for a horse to be somewhat guessing at the answer at times during this process. 
Your response to their best guess, is what helps them narrow down to the one correct answer. 
If you are consistent… This language includes your cue system: how you use your legs, seat, reins, voice…and the way you show up: focused, unfocused, etc. If your horse is unsure, he will often guess from some of the things they...
Published 07/26/23
Simply put: a pattern is a planned ride. When you ride with a plan…you’ll begin to show up consistent. The more consistent you are…the easier it is for your horse to become consistent.  The magic of riding a pattern, especially a simple, boring pattern, is that it allows the rider to begin to observe their habits and their horse's habits. The most common habit often revealed is a riders' lack of preparation in transitions. The opposite of riding a pattern is riding randomly.  How can you...
Published 07/19/23
In this podcast, I discuss two ideas, the challenge of asking questions, and ‘why bend?’ The theme of this season of the podcast is, “No question is too small.” Today, I explain:
 why riders don’t ask more questions why the teacher might hesitate before answering what the moment of awkwardness could really be Why bend? why you might skip bending why you might half-heartedly bend how bend increases safety and reduces bucking, rearing and bolting why bend improves balance advancing: the...
Published 07/12/23