In "A Tribble Called Quest," while harvesting bosonite on a barren world, the crew encounters aggressive, genetically modified tribbles—and the Klingon scientist who created them. In "Cracked Mirror," the Protostar's reunion with Voyager has unexpected side effects, bouncing the crew between alternate realities—including the mirror universe.
The Cerritos deviate to the infamous Starbase 80 to fix their navigational system or spend the next 700 years on impulse getting home. Captain Freeman is troubled knowing that her alternate dimension doppelganger was reassigned to their Starbase 80 as punishment for some failure of leadership. It...
Published 11/18/24
In "A Farewell to Farms," Mariner and Boimler travel to the Klingon homeworld, Qo'noS, where they look up Ma'ah, a once-honored Klingon warrior now living a mundane life on his family's farm. They attempt to help him reclaim his lost rank and the command of a Klingon Battlecruiser despite the...
Published 11/11/24