The boys return from their adventures at Galaxy's Edge and completely forget to make an episode about it - so instead we're doing Rebels Season 3! Don't worry, we'll circle back around - but first let's talk about my dude THRAWN! Does Alex actually like a season of a Star Wars TV show?! Does Davis get upset about droids?! All this and more on this excited episode of the Star Wars New Canon Book Club!
Published 08/07/19
It was the book that killed the podcast. In our first attempt at reading our reaction was so negative that we literally took a year off from reading Star Wars books. But the book is for charity and we know there have to be some good bits within. We fall into the force and let it guide us back into the darkness that is From a Certain Point of View.
Published 06/16/19
The book club is back and as usual, not actually talking about a book. It's time to delve deep into season 2 of Star Wars Rebels! Is Ezra still using his awful lightsaber? Is Chopper still the worst? Can anything make this show bett....wait is that Darth Vader?! WAIT...IS THAT DARTH MAUL?! ... oh my god.
Published 05/21/19
Star Wars celebration has come and gone and the boys have SO many thoughts on the newly released trailer for Star Wars Episode IX. Join Alex, Jesse, and Davis as we delve deep into our most analytical brain parts and theorycraft our way through 2 minutes of footage. What does it all mean?! And what does Jesse know exactly how the movie ends?! Find out all this and more on this exciting new episode of the Star Wars New Canon Book Club! We're back baby!
Published 04/16/19
Jesse, Alex, and Davis are back! Well sort of - this episode once thought lost to time has been found!!! Oh and we're also meeting next week to record more episodes! Soooooooooo get your lightsabers out of the closet and be prepared to get excited for Star Wars again! More to come! But first, let's talk about some Star Wars comics!
Published 04/12/19
The boys finally return after gallivanting around the globe, and sit down to talk the newest Star Wars film, Solo. What did they like. What didn't they like? Are they as divided as they were with Last Jedi?! Tune in to find out as we take our steps into Disney's first major expanded universe building cinematic endeavor.
Published 06/08/18
The boys sit down to talk the Solo trailer. Despite Alex's terrible...
genuinely terrible Harrison Ford accent, they somehow manage to talk about their hopes and fears for the movie, and what they think of the director swap issues. Will Solo be amazing, or will it break nerdy hearts. Should it have been a Lando movie instead? Is it a bridge to a Lando movie? Do we just love Lando too much? Diving deep into the trailer, they try to figure out what the plot of the movie will be and how it will...
Published 03/04/18
Jesse, Alex, and Davis return to talk about Star Wars Rebels Season 1. As the journey of Ezra Bridger beings, how will the boys feel about the follow up series to Clone Wars? Is it better than the last animated Star Wars outing? Or have they returned to the dark side? Also - is Chopper just an a*****e!? All this and more, in this new Star Wars New Canon Book Club.
Published 02/25/18
After a contentious review of The Last Jedi, the boys return to discuss the book Phasma. A simple tale about a post apocalyptic hellscape, religious droid miners, lizard surfers, a thunderdome that makes cloth, a beetle bearded sand guardian, and a thousand other totally insane things. Or maybe it didn't happen at all!? Who knows!? Prepare for one of the most inventive additions to the Star Wars saga, and something that literally broke their minds. Jesse, Alex, and Davis all attempt to tackle...
Published 01/18/18
After seeing Star Wars: The Last Jedi numerous times, the boys have gathered together to discuss the latest installment of the new trilogy. What does The Last Jedi mean for the franchise? Has it changed everything forever!? As the internet responds to the film, where will they stand? Will this film divide them? There is so much to discuss - everything the podcast has focused on for the last 2 years has led to this!
Curious about their let's play of Star Wars Battlefront II? Check it out...
Published 12/19/17
The boys are back to talk about the latest offering to the Star Wars expanded universe, Battlefront II: Inferno Squad. The biggest event in the run up to the movie so far - featuring a game and book tie-in. What possible implications could it have for the franchise? Could there be any tie-ins with other books? Will any of it matter at all!? All this and more, on this episode of the Star Wars New Canon Book Club!
Published 12/11/17
The Star Wars book club returns, this time with one of the very first canonical books of the refreshed franchise - Dark Disciple, by Christie Golden. Taking place after the events of Clone Wars, the story deals with the relationship between fan favorites Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress. it also gets into some really dark subjects, when a Jedi is asked to assassinate someone. We have MANY thoughts on this one, so sit back, relax, and let's rap about the wars!
Published 12/06/17
The following was filmed shortly after the final trailers release, but due to traveling, it wasn't uploaded til now. My apologies - Jesse
The Star Wars New Canon Book Club us back! Having gathered together to talk about the final trailer for Last Jedi and all the wacky crazy theories they can come up with. It's time to take a deep dive into the story, the lore, and all the information they can muster to decipher where the trilogy is headed. Push up your glasses, this ones going full...
Published 11/19/17
In this episode, the boys discuss the final season of Star Wars: Clone Wars. Did it finally pay off for Alex? Was the Yoda episodes as hype as Jesse said? And has Davis discovered a secret Sith in the Jedi order?!
All this talk and more, about the clone episodes, the Jar Jar episodes, and the way too much time spent on banking clans episodes...
Let's get back into it!
NEXT TIME: Dark Disciple
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Published 10/18/17
Darth Vader has been shot down and marooned on a planet surrounded by the rebel alliance. Of course he's going to kick their ass - but apparently that's not all the story Vader Down tells. In this special comic cross over, we learn more about Dr. Aphra, Luke's flirtation with the force, and Han and Leia's ever expanding relationship. It's pretty great - for something called Vader Down that doesn't feature much of Vader. They boys discuss all this and more in the newest SWNCBC!
Please leave a...
Published 08/17/17
The boys return to finally tackle Timothy Zahn's newest addition to Star Wars and his first crack the new expanded universe - Thrawn. Will the story behind Grand Admiral Thrawn's rise up the imperial ranks thrill the boys or will they find the new take on his character distracting? Tune in, back, and fall into the force.
The Star Wars New Canon Book Club is a fan podcast dedicated to three guys love of Star Wars, the new books, and their desire to get maximum enjoyment out of the new...
Published 08/11/17
The boys return to discuss the Last Jedi Trailer, their thoughts, theories, and things they suspect might be coming down the pipeline - as well as how it all fits into the books and shows they've watched so far! Come, theorycraft with us!
ALSO if you are listening on itunes, please leave a review of the show! We would love to hear your thoughts :)
Published 05/14/17
We've finally come to it! Clone Wars Season 5! Will Alex like it?! Will Jesse and Davis be vindicated?! Will they completely ignore the droid episodes?! All this, and too much talk about rolling grenades under droids in this episode of Star Wars New Canon Book Club!
Published 05/01/17
Note: Early into this episode for roughly 10 minutes, Alex's audio cuts out. We tried to make some fixes, but it's still not the best. Just know it doesn't last long.
The finale of Aftermath is here! What revelations will we be uncovered that lead into the new movies? What will we learn about the foundations of the First Order? About Ben? About the Republic? But more importantly, do the boys finally like our main characters?! Find out all this and more in the newest SWNCBC episode!
Published 04/26/17
This time we talk season 4 of the Clone Wars. After careful reflection, Jesse realizes maybe he was mistaken about the series when they start to get into why Quarren are wearing shoes. WHY DO THEY WEAR SHOES?!
Meanwhile Alex and Davis continue their war on Jogan Fruit.
Published 03/08/17
The boys are back to talk about one of the first books to be created in Star Wars canon AND one of the few first person books written in the Star Wars universe, Heir to the Jedi. Will they enjoy the different take on Luke Skywalker or will they obsess over Jogan Fruit once again. I think we all know the answer to that...
Published 03/03/17
Rogue One is finally here! Not only did we manage to watch it more than once, but watched it again right before recording. It was after midnight, but we needed to talk The Wars, so we decided to record at Alex's house into the wee hours of the morning. We have so many thoughts and opinions on this film and more importantly some interesting new feelings about Catalyst.
Published 12/21/16
Rogue One is just a a day or so away, so it's the perfect time to discuss the book that takes place just before it: Catalyst. What were Jyn's parents like? Who is Orson Krennic and how does he know Galen, Jyn's father? Who else is connected to their origin story?! All this and our thoughts on what this will add to the movie, if anything, in a new Star Wars Book Club!
Published 12/14/16
After much praise from Davis, the boys finally get to reading Star Wars: Tarkin. Is it as good as he says? This book looks deep into the back story of one of the Star Wars most interesting villains, Tarkin, and also offers a insights on several other characters they've become fascinated with over the past few episodes.
Published 12/11/16
Season 3 of Clone Wars continues with a little less conversation and a little more action. The story really picks up and we finally get a deeper look into the mysteries of the force.
Note: This is part 2 of the 2 part Clone Wars episodes.
Published 12/07/16