Our Stepping Stones series usually focuses on the challenges faced by Americans moving to, or living in, the UK. However, in this chapter we instead focus on the British friends, family members, employees and acquaintances of Americans, who might be dealing with a move to the US. Here's what you...
Published 10/01/23
When thinking about marriage or divorce, tax probably won't be one of the first things that spring to mind. But as a US citizen living in the UK, different life stages like these can come with added complexity. Here's what you need to know about marriage and divorce, from the US/UK tax, financial...
Published 09/04/23
As a US citizen living in the UK, without any pre-arrival and up-to-date planning around your investments and pensions, you could be exposing yourself to a higher than necessary combined US/UK tax bill. Here's what you need to know about pensions and investments, from the US/UK experts.
Published 10/27/22