USAs Syrian War
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USAs Syrian War In July 2004 I was serving as editor of the newly established Journal of Afghanistan Studies in Kabul. It was a joint project of my dear friend Professor Rasul Amin of Afghanistan Study Centre and Danish Foreign Ministry. The journals name was conceived by this scribe. I received an article submission from an Australian based in Syria.Why this particular man with a purely intelligence background was based in a place like Syria ? It was very intriguing then and very clear today. A groundwork was being laid by a club of wolves to dismember and eat Syria just like Iraq was destroyed in 2003. In 2003 I had ironically foreseen a US war in Syria in my article age of strategic anarchy published in Daily Nation of Lahore. The background of Syrian war was based in a crude overconfidence stemming out of fall of USSR after 1991 . That the United States could do anything that it wished.Even a bathroom reverie conceived in a situation of a bad hangover and the resultant morning constipation ! To US decision makers the “ opposite will of the enemy” that Carl Von Clausewitz defined was non existent. Thus the Iraq war and the Libyan , Syrian and Ukrainian wars.Iraq war succeeded but ironically resulted in Iran rather than US being the ultimate strategic victor. Libyan war succeded to the point that the USA and EU ate 400 Billion USD of Libyan state assets in EU and US banks. Ukraine has been a failure and so is Syria. The strategic rationale to attack Syria , conceived during a commode reverie was as following map illustrates:-- Arab Military Review -Failure of Syrian Proxy Contract of 4 StatesPaperback – October 8, 2015 by Agha H. Amin (Author)
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