Yagnavalkya in King Janaka's Symposium - Part 2
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Yagnavalkya in King Janaka's Symposium ================================================================ This is the part 2 from the interesting events and debates which took place during the symposium arranged by King Janaka of Videha. We heard about Yagnavalkya’s decision to take home thousand cows with ten gold coins tied to their horns and how he was stopped and challenged by eminent scholars such as Ashwala and Aartabhaaga. They both got involved in a debate with Yagnavalkya and eventually accepted their defeat. While Yagnavalkya wanted to leave the symposium, he was again challenged by few other eminent scholars. Before I start the today’s story, one point I would like to mention is that in my view this Upanishad was written post Mahabharata era as this mentions Parikshit, who was the grandson of the great pandava, Arjuna. This part 2 of the story is about the various debates between Yagnavalkya and scholars such as Bhujyu, Usasta and Kahola. So sit back and listen to some of the greatest thoughts which are mentioned in the Brihaddaaranyaka Upanishad.Bhujyu the grandson of the scholar Lahya, stopped and challenged Yagnavalkya. Yagnavalkya smiled and greeted Bhujyu with folded palms.Bhujyu asked -“When I was a student and was travelling to the kingdom of Madra, we visited Patanchala’s residence. He was a descent of Kapi. We came to know that his daughter was possessed by a Gandharva. We wanted to help the girl so we started inquiring the Gandharva.”After a pause, Bhujyu continued -“We asked Gandharva who he was?”The Gandharva said his name was Sudhavan who was a descendant of Sage Angiras.“We wanted to test the Gandharva further!”We asked him about the limits of the world so questioned him where were the descendants of Parikshit?”After a pause, Bhujyu looked at Yagnavalkya, and with a serious expression asked him -“Yagnavalkya, now I ask you the same question, Where were the descendents of Parikshit?”Friends, few things to clarify here, firstly Gandharva, means a celestial non-human being who can change its form and shape and possess humans. Gandharvas have been mentioned numerous Indian mythologies and ancient scriptures. Secondly, I want to throw some light on the timeline of this Upanishad. It is very clear that Bhujyu asked the Gandharva and Yagnavalkya about the descendants of Parikshit. As per Mahabharata, Parikshit was the son of Abhhimanyu and grand son of the great Pandava Arjuna. So in all possibility this upanishad was written quite some time after Mahabharata. So it also demonstrates that Mahabharata might not be just an epic or mythology rather might have actually occurred, as we know the documented existence of Yagnavalkya, Gargi and many other characters as mentioned in this Brihaddaaranyaka Upanishad! Well, these are my thoughts based on the logic I just presented. Thirdly we must also understand about the Ashwamedha Yagna or the famous horse sacrifice as this will be one of the response of Yagnavalkya. The chosen horse is left to roam around throughout the kingdom and beyond its borders. Whichever areas or regions the horse wanders into is claimed by the yaajamaana king of the horse sacrifice. If the king or ruler of that land or area doesn’t challenge the king who has arranged Ashwamedha, the Yaajamaana king claims that portion of land as part of his kingdom. As per the scriptures, this sacrifice produces both collective and individual results. Whether combined with meditation or performed exclusively through it, it is the highest of all rites. As per Smritis - there is nothing more heinous than killing a noble Brahmin nor anything more meritorious than the horse sacrifice.  So let’s get back to the story.  Yagnavalkya thought for a while and then replied -“Parikshit had performed Ashwamedha Yagna during his reign. So the Gandharva had told you that the descendants of Parikshit went to where the performers of horse sacrificers go! Thirty two times the space covered
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