Hi everyone I'm Kara, also known as the chatter box. I'm from Georgia and if you like and subscribe, just maybe I'll zip my mouth, haha, which is kind of impossible since I started talking ever since I was a tiny winnie baby.  "Mommy? Daddy? I've been laying here Thinking, and you know what? I'm thinking we should change the color of this room. Pink? Who does pink  these days?That's Gender Color Bias. I've got plans. first we're going-" I've always been a talker. I spoke Incomplete sentences...
Published 04/23/23
It was a lovely sunny day and my school held a father's day event. I brought mom along since I didn't have a dad. And while we sat there enjoying the festivities, suddenly two of the school's most annoying boys came along to bug the heck out of me.  "Hey Mia, if you haven't noticed this is a father's day event."  "Yeah, I know that." "So are you the father because we only see your mom. Haha"  "What did you just say!?"  "He called you a father, hahaha!" One thing about me is I had a very short...
Published 04/22/23
Hi! I'm Alessia from a small town in Kenya. Growing up I was stubborn and also a happy kid, even though my mom worked as a servant for the wealthy Chief Mwangi at his farm, I always felt like part of the family because of the Chief's son, Barasa. He was my best friend, and he did almost everything with me. He helped me with chores and even stopped me from cleaning his room whenever I had to. It was fun... Until his uppity father stopped him from hanging out with me.  "Barasa, you're better...
Published 04/21/23
Some people call me the luckiest girl in my small Town in Colorado. I was the only child to my successful parents who never wanted me to know what they did for a living. Once when I was around six I snuck into dad's office.  "Dad, what are you doing?" "Jessica, are you in my office? where are you?" "Under your table. I want you to tell me about your job."  Dad quickly changed the subject the same way mom does. I didn't understand, but I couldn't complain because they bought me everything I...
Published 04/20/23
Hi, I'm Veraqueen. My genius dad and I had always been the best buddies. And when I was just seven, I helped him build a plane.  "Firecracker. It's not play time yet.(Hands her a screw driver) Come, screw this nut for me. You'll see love, this plane is going to make me super popular." "You mean us! We're a team!" "Hahaha! Yes Firecracker. Us."  Dad was an aerospace engineer and he was working on inventing a remote controlled plane. But when he finally thought it was ready and chose to show it...
Published 04/19/23
My parents were so rich and loved themselves so much that they even built a statue of themselves. We had everything money could buy and more.  I had like a zillion toys and I even had my own theme park, but I was never interested in their splashy lifestyle. I've always had a curious kind of mind. Like for example- I couldn't get my mind off what was behind the red door that mom and dad forbid me from opening.  So sometimes I would just sit and look at it.  "Samantha, you must be the only...
Published 04/18/23
Hi! My name is Maya and I was born and brought up in India until one day mom's cleaning agency found her a job in the USA. I was excited about the idea, but when we got there, I felt like an ant in a giants hand.  When we got to our new house in the US, I had several massive suitcases filled with all the clothes I designed using mom's old sarees.  "I told you to cut down on your baggage." "I can squeeze them in somehow." After an hour of organizing my room I went outside to feel the...
Published 04/17/23
Hi everyone, I'm Felix and I was born with the weirdest allergy. An allergy to dust! It had a weird smell that always made me sneeze uncontrollably; and as if that wasn't weird enough, I also came from a family of detectives.  My paternal great grandparents were FBI agents. They had a son who became a CIA agent and married another agent, after which the two had a son, My Dad who also became a CIA agent and fell in love with my mother, a private investigator whose parents were also FBI agents...
Published 04/16/23
Hi I am Mulan and I grew up in an orphanage, which wasn't so bad since many kids loved me because of my incredible Roller blading skills.  When I was just seven years old I was so brave that I could even spin in the air with my skate shoes!  "Wooow she's like a bird." I loved the attention I got from everyone, though there were a few kids who were jealous of me, I simply ignored them until one Christmas day this boy with a big head tried to ruin my skating shoes.  "Oooh what do we have here,...
Published 04/15/23
Hi, I'm Colton, your friendly neighborhood geek, and years ago, I did what every geek dreams of; I married the prettiest girl in the world. I know you want to know how I pulled that off. Well it all happened on one afternoon...  As I put the ring pop on her finger, I watched Haley’s face brighten up. I loved her smile so much I could watch her all day. I put a ring pop on my finger as well and smiled.  "We’re married now!" Haley laughed and all I could do was stare. Even though I was just 7...
Published 04/14/23
Hi, I'm Audrey from Los Angeles.  Despite coming from a poor family, a great part of my childhood was filled with happy memories, thanks to my best friend Gift. Our love for fashion drew us together. As kids we drew clothes just like the magazines and then we would imagine being rich and wearing our own designs.  "Awwnn. So cute. I want to make clothes like this someday!" "Me too Gift! We will get there. Just don't stop dreaming." Gift was really sweet and I loved her to bits even though she...
Published 04/13/23
Hi, I'm princess Janah of Astonia, a tiny kingdom somewhere in Europe. My parents, the King and Queen of Astonia, always made sure I had everything, except freedom. I couldn't go anywhere without someone watching me and I hated that! All I wanted was to experience life like a normal teen, and that chance finally came on my 17th birthday when they surprised me with a trip to the Maldives. But as they say, be careful what you wish for.  The private jet waited as our limo pulled up. My best...
Published 04/12/23
"Zi baby, do you want to watch me decorate this cake? It's a unicorn cake." "Let me finish my sketch first mom, this is my best one." "How are you going to learn about my business if you keep on sketching? Please don't turn into your father." "But mom this is what I love." Mom never took what I loved seriously. She wanted me to take over her business instead of following my dreams. I was born to a loving and caring family. My mom is a baker, and my dad is a fashion designer. My childhood was...
Published 04/11/23
"Okay, if we get this right, we will have created the perfect cleaning solution." "Or we’re going to blow up my house." "Okay ready? Let’s do it."  "Oh no! We put in too much soap." I have always been like my dad a smart genius. And because of my dad I met my best friend Trevor His dad and my dad work together. We went to the same school and sometimes we would hang out together until one day his dad ruined everything. Mr. Smith had always been nice to me but when he came into the room that...
Published 04/10/23
Hi, I'm Brandy and I'm from Portugal. You'll never believe what I had to do to get my mom to sign me up for school! I grew up with a super talented Mom! Not only was she a song writer she was also a famous singer as well. I used to enjoy going to Mom's concerts and cheering her on from backstage. But when I was five everything changed.  One afternoon as Mom picked me up from preschool. A man dressed in all black and a mask tried to take me away.  "MOMMY!!!!" Luckily for me, Mom's...
Published 04/09/23
Hi. My name is Gwen. You’re probably wondering why I look chill in a situation like this. Well let's just say… the moment we moved into this house, I knew there was something else right here with us. But they wouldn't listen. In fact, given what happened, it would be okay if it was just ghosts, but it was something much more… sinister…  On the first day here, While everyone was inside unpacking, I chose to be here and kick a ball around. I learnt to play from my dear late dad.  Oops! I...
Published 04/08/23
Hi. My name's Scarlet and I've always been the most popular and beautiful girl in class. You may think my life sounds amazing but trust me, it isn't.  Being beautiful also has its downsides, especially when everyone stereotypes me because I'm blonde.  One time in primary school my teacher asked me to a give a speech to the whole school about climate change. But as I walked on stage, my body just froze in fear. I was experiencing stage fright.  "Climate change is.. uh. A.. uh.. " My legs felt...
Published 04/07/23
Hi. I am Sarah and I was born in the beautiful town of Woodmead. I loved it there because we were surrounded by people who knew and loved us. I was five years old when we spent our last Christmas there opening gifts with my cousins.  "Look I got a jewelry box with a little ballerina." "I know how much you love ballet, so mom let me get it for you." The gifts were great, but it was having all of our family and friends around that made me love Christmas. But about a month later, my parents...
Published 04/06/23
Hi there, I'm Bree, from Texas. Growing up next to a perfect sister who always liked to be the center of attention was exhausting. "A perfect 100! We're super proud of you, Annie." "Bree, you should be more like your sister." Annie was obviously my parents' favorite and they just couldn't help rubbing it in my face! My sister was the polar opposite of me; she was smart, fashionable, pretty and super-mean.  "Ew, did a bird make its nest in your hair?" While I was reckless, carefree and loved...
Published 04/05/23
I came from a pretty decent family. Dad was the stay home parent, while Mom worked as an accountant at the local bank. I had a sister, MIA who was just a year older than me and I loved playing with her!  "All clear Madam President, you can now make your vows." "Thank you, Miss MIA. I pledge to be the best president this school has ever had! Thank you for voting me." My childhood dream was to become the school's president in highschool, and Mia always supported me, but all of that changed when...
Published 04/04/23
Hi. My name's Pamela. And ever since I was a little girl, basketball has been my thing—-Well that’s because dad was a famous basketball player a long time ago and now he's a coach.  "When you score, you stand with one leg in front, one back, hold the ball like this and then you score." "Like this?" "No, Pamela—-You have to always win." Dad loved winning, and because of him I grew up and became the best in my team. Until I started having these strange dreams. I started having these dreams six...
Published 04/03/23
“Wheeee!” I screamed as I held tightly on to the horns of the goat I was riding. Right behind me, my friend Marcello laughed as the goat he was riding ran in circles. Mr Diego, our ranch hand and also Marcello’s dad, lifted Marcello off the goat and dragged him across the yard. I burst out laughing and startled my goat so it took off with me holding on for dear life. "Oh no! SOMEBODY HELP!" I watched in horror as the goat ran straight into the house knocking over a vase then threw me off...
Published 04/02/23
I have something called social anxiety. I get sooo nervous when I'm around people.... Recess was the worst time of the day for me because kids like MARLEY would suddenly sneak up behind me.  "Haha, Relax weirdo. What are you doing standing like a lil creep behind the wall? Why don't you just get out there and make friends?" "Maybe because I don't want friends, and what are you hiding in your other hand?" "This! Haha" This is the reason I don't have friends-Hi, I am Aarya and I am from...
Published 04/01/23
“HEY! STOP! THAT’S MY CAR!” I ran towards the two men towing my car from my school parking lot. As soon as I got to them, I shoved one of them. “Hey relax! We're here to deliver your new car and take this one.” I stared at him in confusion until he pointed to a brand new sports car with a red ribbon.  “A Lamborghini? OOOOOH YEAH BABY!!” Hello. I’m Nate and I live in the luxurious Upper East Side in New York. Growing up, my sister Lily and I had everything except a mother, who abandoned us...
Published 03/31/23
“Hi, Mom!”  As I leaned over to kiss Mom, you wouldn’t believe what happened! The cover of my milkshake fell off and the milkshake splattered on the white dress! Suddenly, a blood-curdling screech filled the room. “What did you do to my dress?! I paid $5000 for this dress! You better hope that stain comes out, you doofus!” “Don’t you dare talk to my mother that way you spoiled brat!” “I’ll talk to your mother however I choose!” With my fists clenched I stepped towards Debbie. “What is...
Published 03/30/23