In this famous sutta the Buddha corrects Ven. Ananda, pointing out that having "admirable" friends, companions, and comrades is not half but the whole of the spiritual life. (For more about this special kind of friendship, see »Kalyanamittata.) Listen to this sutta read by Joseph Goldstein (02'25" 0.8 MB) Recorded by jtb on 18 Feb 2006 at the Forest Refuge, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the...
Published 03/06/06
You can wish for Awakening all you want; but the only way to bring it about is by making the necessary effort. Listen to this sutta read by Joseph Goldstein (5'24" 1.8 MB) Recorded by jtb on 18 Feb 2006 at the Forest Refuge, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 2000). Text is copyright © 2000 Wisdom Publications....
Published 03/06/06
The Buddha delivers a stirring discourse to King Pasenadi on the imminence of death and the urgency of Dhamma practice. Listen to this sutta read by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (04'18" 1.4 MB) Recorded by jtb in February 2006 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. From »Handful of Leaves, Volume Four: An Anthology from the Khuddaka Nikaya, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, trans. and ed. Text is copyright © 2005 Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Published 02/26/06
The Buddha's words on cultivating a heart filled with good will (metta) towards all beings. Listen to this sutta read by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (01'56" 1.7 MB) Recorded by the reader in January 2006 at Metta Forest Monastery, Valley Center, California. Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. From »Handful of Leaves, Volume Four: An Anthology from the Khuddaka Nikaya, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, trans. and ed. Text is copyright © 2005 Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
Published 02/26/06
Ven. Sariputta offers a deep teaching on non-clinging to the ailing lay-follower Anathapindika. Listen to this sutta read by Sarah Doering (11'18" 3.8 MB) Recorded by jtb on 16 Jan 2006 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi. From » The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya, Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 1995). Text is copyright © 1995 Bhikkhu...
Published 01/31/06
The Buddha's comprehensive practical instructions on the development of mindfulness as the basis for insight. Listen to this sutta read by Sally Clough (27'47" 9.4 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 December 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. and ed. (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 2005). Text is copyright © 2005 Bhikkhu Bodhi. Courtesy of, and...
Published 01/28/06
The Buddhist path naturally brings about the development of many wholesome qualities of heart. In this discourse the Buddha urges his followers not to settle for anything less than the highest goal: "unshakable liberation of mind" — Nibbana. Listen to this sutta read by Steve Armstrong (16'11" 5.5 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 December 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali...
Published 01/26/06
Six short suttas on the theme of giving. Passages include Iti 26; AN 8.33; AN 4.57; AN 5.148; Iti 107; and AN 8.35. Listen to this sutta read by Steve Armstrong (11'01" 3.7 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 December 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. and ed. (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 2005). Text is copyright © 2005 Bhikkhu Bodhi. Courtesy...
Published 01/26/06
Five simple practices to help overcome malicious habits of thought. Listen to this sutta read by Kamala Masters (01'16" 0.4 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 Dec 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi. From Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya, translated and edited by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Kandy: »Buddhist Publication Society, 1999). Text is copyright © 1999...
Published 01/25/06
The Buddha's instructions on five facts that everyone — man, woman, monk, or nun — should frequently reflect upon. Listen to this sutta read by Kamala Masters (06'35" 2.2 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 Dec 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi. From Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya, translated and edited by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Kandy: »Buddhist Publication...
Published 01/25/06
The ascetic Bahiya receives a brief teaching from the Buddha about dispassion towards the senses ("In the seen will be merely what is seen...") and immediately becomes an arahant. Listen to this sutta read by Sarah Doering (08'39" 2.9 MB) Recorded by jtb on 21 Oct 2005 at the Forest Refuge, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by John D. Ireland. From The Udana and the Itivuttaka: Two Classics from the Pali Canon (Kandy: »Buddhist Publication Society, 1997). Text is copyright...
Published 01/25/06
Is there anywhere safe to stand where we won't be swept away by aging and death? Listen to this sutta read by Ayya Medhanandi (02'08" 0.7 MB) Recorded by the reader in July 2005 in Paekakariki, New Zealand. Translated from the Pali by H. Saddhatissa. From The Sutta Nipata (London: »Curzon Press, Ltd., 1985). Text is copyright © 1985 H. Saddhatissa. Permission pending.
Published 01/25/06
The Buddha compares the knowledge he gained in his Awakening to all the leaves in the forest, and his teachings to a mere handful of leaves. He then explains why he didn't reveal the remainder. Listen to this sutta read by Sarah Doering (02'36" 0.9 MB) Recorded by jtb on 21 Oct 2005 The Forest Refuge, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Somerville:...
Published 01/25/06
This is the Buddha's first discourse, delivered shortly after his Awakening to the group of five monks with whom he had practiced the austerities in the forest for many years. The sutta contains the essential teachings of the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. Upon hearing this discourse, the monk Kondañña attains the first stage of Awakening, thus giving birth to the ariya sangha (Noble Sangha). Listen to this sutta read by Guy Armstrong (10'06" 3.4 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11...
Published 01/25/06
The Buddha invokes a series of vivid similes to illustrate the voidness of the five aggregates. Listen to this sutta read by Guy Armstrong (06'57" 2.3 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 December 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 2000). Text is copyright © 2000 Wisdom Publications. Courtesy of, and with...
Published 01/25/06
The Buddha's second discourse, in which he discusses the principle of anatta (not-self) with the group of five ascetics. By means of a question-and-answer dialogue with his audience, the Buddha demonstrates that there can be no abiding self in any of the five aggregates that we tend to identify as "self." As a result of this discourse, all five monks attain full Awakening (arahatta). Listen to this sutta read by Bhante H. Gunaratana (08'48" 3.0 MB) Recorded in October 2005 at the Bhavana...
Published 01/25/06
What is your best response when someone is angry with you? Hint: if you offer some food to a guest, but the guest declines the offer, to whom does the food belong? Listen to this sutta read by Ayya Medhanandi (05'05" 1.7 MB) Recorded by the reader in July 2005 in Paekakariki, New Zealand. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans. (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 2000). Text is...
Published 01/25/06
In this stirring discourse the Buddha underscores the vital urgency of keeping one's attention firmly rooted in the present moment. After all, the past is gone, the future isn't here; this present moment is all we have. Listen to this sutta read by Larry Rosenberg (08'24" 2.8 MB) Recorded by jtb on 24 August 2005 at Cambridge Insight Meditation Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. From »Access to Insight. Text is copyright © 1997 Thanissaro...
Published 01/25/06
Five practical methods of responding wisely to unskillful thoughts (thoughts connected with desire, aversion, or delusion). Listen to this sutta read by Ayya Medhanandi (11'31" 3.9 MB) Recorded by the reader in July 2005 in Paekakariki, New Zealand. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Ñanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi. From »The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Somerville: »Wisdom Publications, 1995). Text is copyright © 1995 Wisdom Publications. Courtesy of, and with permission from, Wisdom...
Published 01/25/06
The Buddha explains to the wealthy lay-follower Anathapindika about four kinds of happiness that a householder may enjoy. Some require wealth, but the best is free of charge Listen to this sutta read by Kamala Masters (03'36" 1.2 MB) Recorded by jtb on 11 Dec 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi. From Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: An Anthology of Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya, translated and edited by...
Published 01/25/06