Swami B. V. Tripurari Live Q&A; October 20, 2024: Recommendations for the Month of Kartika
0:00 If one prays to Sri Krishna for a material boon before one learned that it is more wise to simply ask for devotional service to Sri Krishna, and the boon was granted, should one keep the boon or return it?
04:35 What would your opinion be of a devotee giving harinama initiation to others after having distanced themselves from their own guru who was engaged in bad conduct?
09:16 Dandavat pranama, Guru Maharaja. In your book Circle of Friends you outline the progression from sthayi-bhava and through the stages of prema in sakhya-rati. Would this outline also apply to madhurya-rati?
11:46 Hare Krishna. I have a question about my deity worship. I received deities of Jagannatha Baladeva Subhadra but without the Sudarsana cakra that usually stands next to them. Do I need to find a Sudarsana cakra for them?
14:53 How did Lord Jagannatha get the title ‘Swami’?
17:38 Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja. What is the significance of Sri Krishna’s makara-shaped earrings?
23:17 Obeisances, Guru Maharaja. Do you have any recommendations for the month of Kartika with regards to study, sadhana, or observances?
29:22 Obeisances, Maharaja. What is your opinion on the statement that “Prabhupada has already given us everything”?
42:37 Pranama, Gurudeva. Are there more personalities in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu other than Radha and Krishna, such as different avataras of Krishna? Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika appears to suggest so.
47:45 Sri Jiva Goswami states that the cowherd boys despite their strength have no inclination to kill the demons that appear in the lila as they are prevented by Yoga-maya. In Nectar of Devotion, however, it says that the younger friends of Krishna are eager to fight the demons. Is it only this group of friends who are eager to do so, and do they only want to fight but not kill?
53:58 Why does Sri Krishna not appear clearly to me when I chant?
uestions on today's Swami call:
In Gaudiya Vaishnavism it is taught that devotees embody five types of love. How is the type of love chosen?
How do the attributes of the soul play a part in our lives or reflect into our everyday lives if in any way?
Can you explain how a samskara that happens...
Published 11/17/24
0:00 News.
01:19 How come we cannot shorten the realization gap between disciple and guru faster? Why does it need to take several lifetimes?
14:38 On this long path, how do we make sure to not go astray?
21:11 In the Uddhava-Gita it is said that there are three ways to worship: Vedic,...
Published 10/27/24