0214 [News Briefing] with Suh Young Choi
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Guest: Suh Young Choi, Reporter 1. Candidates go head-to-head in a heated race for the PPP leadership role at the first stop of joint tour on Jeju Island 2. “The biggest victim in a delay of redistricting of electoral districts is the people…this must be changed for the 22nd general election” 3. Growing evidence of First Lady Kim Kun-hee’s involvement in Deutsch Motors stock manipulation scandal 4. The Justice Party holds a ‘cautious’ stance as the DP drives special prosecution for Dae-Dong-Kim Kun-Hee cases. 5. War-ravaged Syrians struggle to get aid, rebuild after quake 1. 김기현 "安, 불협화음 후보" vs 안철수 "金, 줏대없어" 2. "선거구획정 지연 최대 피해자는 국민…22대 총선에선 달라야" 3. “김건희 모녀 계좌만 1·2차 주가조작에 모두 쓰였다”···도이치 판결문에 37번 등장 4. 정의당은 '신중' 속 민주, 대장동-김건희 '양대 특검' 드라이브 5. 전쟁으로 피폐해진 시리아인들이 지진 후 재건 위해 고군분투
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