South Africa transitioned to democracy in the 1990s with a visionary constitution, but the promises of that constitution are largely unfulfilled to this day. Public leader Lindiwe Mazibuko explores how poor leadership failed to deliver a better life for the country's citizens — and shares her mission to cultivate a new generation of ethical leaders who can revitalize democracy in South Africa and beyond. After the talk, Modupe shares her hopes for US democracy.
Published 03/04/24
All jobs, especially those held by frontline workers, should have dignity and the ability to turn into great careers, says change management expert Adriann Negreros. From shift flexibility to ending work on time, he outlines what he calls the "handbook of humanity" — people-centered ideas for change, rooted in empathy — that, when implemented, can redefine the nature of frontline work. After the talk, Modupe shares how she avoids being a jerk — and gives advice on how to give yourself and...
Published 02/26/24
Tackling climate change costs a lot of money — and the financial sector is key to getting that money flowing. In a wide-ranging conversation, sustainable investment leaders Nili Gilbert and David Blood discuss where progress is being made on climate solutions, where capital still needs to move faster and why this is an unprecedented opportunity for sustainable growth.
Published 02/19/24
Learning how to have productive conversations about race is a necessary part of the human experience. We’re revisiting a talk by educator Afrika Afeni Mills, who says the best place to start is in the classroom -- because the earlier these skills are taught, the fewer biases there are to unlearn. She shares four actionable lessons to help people overcome their fear and take on these conversations at any age. After the talk, Modupe shares questions to ask ourselves to have more open...
Published 02/12/24
After years of brand building, marketing veteran Sylvester Chauke realized that his industry had sold the world on overconsumption, with devastating consequences. He shares how marketers could instead promote sustainability with "honest ads" that do right by the planet and encourage people to think twice before buying.
Published 02/05/24
In a globe-trotting career that has spanned corporations, governments, nonprofits and philanthropy, Rosita Najmi has often found herself translating among them. Instead of focusing on leadership style, she makes the case for becoming fluent in the languages of leadership, explaining how it can help you adapt to audiences across industries and collectively achieve your goals. After the talk, Modupe shares tips on being a successful communicator.
Published 01/29/24
Electric vehicles need to be more than just eco-friendly — they have to be more chic, convenient and affordable than their gas-powered alternatives, says sustainability leader Cynthia Williams. She explores what it'll take for an electric revolution to succeed in the US, calling on corporations, policy leaders, investors and more to collaborate in unprecedented ways. After the talk, Modupe shares her own approach to encouraging change that sticks.
Published 01/22/24
Sometimes the world's biggest issues can seem so intractable that meaningful change feels impossible. But what if the answer has been right in front of us all along? What if the answer is actually throwing money at the problems? In this thought-provoking talk, philanthropic advisor Natalie Cargill shares what might happen if we came together to spend 3.5 trillion dollars on fixing the world. And, yes, she also has a plan for where to get the money from. (Followed by a Q&A with Anna...
Published 01/15/24
Driven by the belief that businesses can — and should — invest in the communities around them, Intercorp founder and philanthropist Carlos Rodríguez-Pastor has built schools, pharmacies and a literal bridge to better serve Peru's growing middle class. In conversation with TED business curator Corey Hajim, he explores the immense possibility behind private-public partnerships — and his conviction that any individual can step up to create change. After the interview, Modupe talks about how to...
Published 01/08/24
"You are constantly becoming a new person," says journalist Shankar Vendantam. This week we’re revisiting a talk full of beautiful storytelling, where Vendantam explains the profound impact of something he calls the "illusion of continuity" — the belief that our future selves will share the same views, perspectives and hopes as our current selves — and shows how we can more proactively craft the people we are to become. Stay tuned after the talk as Modupe shares a clear-eyed and empowering...
Published 01/01/24
As the saying goes, less is more. The same goes for words. This week we're revisiting a talk by Politico and Axios co-founder Jim VandeHei, where he shares what he's learned leading two media companies — and how to radically rethink the way you write to keep people's attention in a distracted digital world. After the talk, our host Modupe dives into how brevity can get you ahead in your work life.
Published 12/25/23
For people living in poverty, a guaranteed income can mean finally having the space to dream of a comfortable life. Sharing the stories of single moms who participated in a first-of-its-kind program that offered them $1,000 per month with no strings attached, poverty disrupter Aisha Nyandoro calls for us to redefine what it means to be wealthy — putting aside lavish vacations and fancy cars in favor of paid bills and a well-fed family — and to listen when people tell us what they need most....
Published 12/18/23
From the field to your closet, your clothes go on a long journey before they enter your life. Designer Amy Powney explores the fashion industry's brutal impact on the environment and human health, modeling what ethical, planet-friendly clothing can look like — and inviting us all to think beyond the label. After the talk, Modupe dives into a whole category of fashion that we can all do without.
Published 12/11/23
The flexibility to work from anywhere won't necessarily make you love your job, says HR leader Sarah Aviram. Sharing practical wisdom from research conducted while working remotely in 12 different countries, she reveals the real challenges that hybrid work policies can't fix — and shows how to truly thrive at your job no matter where you get it done. After the talk, Modupe shares tips on staying engaged at work.
Published 12/04/23
Restaurateur Will Guidara's life changed when he decided to serve a two-dollar hot dog in his Michelin-rated restaurant, creating a personalized experience for some out-of-town customers craving authentic New York City street food. The move earned such a positive reaction that Guidara began pursuing "unreasonable hospitality" full-time, seeking out ways to create extraordinary experiences and give people more than they expect. In this funny and heartwarming talk, he shares three steps to...
Published 11/27/23
Resumes are a mainstay of the job application process — despite little evidence that they actually help job-seekers or employers get what they want. So why are we still so preoccupied with them? HR leader Nicos Marcou dives into the absurdity of these one-page documents (or can they be two pages?) and offers an update on how companies should think about hiring qualified candidates. After the talk, Modupe shares research on reducing discrimination in the hiring process.
Published 11/20/23
Know you should establish clear limits at work but not sure how to do it? Here are a few strategies from relationship therapist and author Nedra Glover Tawwab that can help you feel more empowered and less overwhelmed, both on and off the job. After the talk, Tawwab joins Modupe for a chat about how to set your own boundaries in the workplace.
Published 11/13/23
If a diverse workforce makes a better company, why don't more businesses hire internationally? Innovation and migration strategist Johann Daniel Harnoss details the advantage of global talent and how to best build the systems and culture to welcome immigrants to your staff. After the talk, leadership expert Tsedal Neeley joins Modupe for a conversation on what successful hiring practices can look like.
Published 11/06/23
What can we do to make workplaces more welcoming to people living with disabilities? Representation advocate Tiffany Yu shares three ways that employers can change and tap into every worker's skills and gifts. After the talk, Modupe discusses how she embraces flexibility in her own teaching practice.
Published 10/30/23
Whether you realize it or not, you have a personal brand, says social entrepreneur Marcos Salazar — and you have the power to shape what it is. Here's how you can create a brand that captures who you are, who you'd like to be and how you want to make an impact on the world. This episode is part of the Way We Work, a TED original video series. Then Modupe shares how she’s crafted her own online identity in a way that feels authentic.
Published 10/23/23
If we're going to solve the climate crisis, we need to talk about supply chains, says biodiversity champion and 2023 Audacious Project grantee Nicole Rycroft. Her organization, Canopy, partners with key industry leaders to overhaul their base materials in favor of more sustainable alternatives. Learn more about how they're shifting production of everything from T-shirts to the Harry Potter book series out of the world's ancient and endangered forests — and how solutions for every sector are...
Published 10/16/23
You may need to hear this (if you haven't already): your job is not your family. While you can develop meaningful relationships with your colleagues, calling work your family can actually breed burnout and be detrimental to your mental and emotional health. Mental wellness educator Gloria Chan Packer walks through the exercises you need to shift your perspective and redraw the boundaries between your work and personal life, so you can feel freer and more empowered. Join Modupe after the talk,...
Published 10/09/23
In a blistering talk, Nobel Laureate Al Gore looks at the two main obstacles to climate solutions and gives his view of how we might actually solve the environmental crisis in time. You won't want to miss his searing indictment of fossil fuel companies for walking back their climate commitments — and his call for a global rethink of the roles of polluting industries in politics and finance. After the talk, Modupe shares her own hot take on global warming and how it’s impacting everyone — from...
Published 10/02/23
WorkLife with Adam Grant, another podcast from the TED Audio Collective is back! This season, Adam takes a look at how to find meaningful work and how to make jobs more energizing. In this first episode: meetings. Meetings often drain our joy and sap our focus — and meeting overload kills productivity. So why do we have so many of them — and is a better world possible? Adam investigates the science of improving meetings and explores how workplaces are fighting meeting bloat. Available...
Published 10/01/23
The city of Port Talbot in South Wales is known for a few things: a steel mill, a proudly working class population and a passionate commitment to the arts that produced Hollywood superstars Richard Burton and Anthony Hopkins. In this sweet, personal talk, actor Michael Sheen shares how he was also able to take advantage of all the city had to offer, why he's worried that a change in approach to arts education means that kids now don't get the same kind of chances -- and the steps he's taking...
Published 09/25/23