Hangovers, Homesickness and Tattoos: tips from a university doctor when your kids start Uni
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This week's guest Jill Grimes is a MD in a US college (like a university GP), so she's well placed to talk about staying healthy at university. But first we talk about popularity in school (spoiler - neither of us was in the popular gang in our teens), why even the popular people don't feel confident in school, and how that all changes when you hit university and everyone is in the same boat.  Once you get to university, being clever is cool, playing a musical instrument is impressive, and people don't judge you on what you're good at.  We also get some advice from Jill on homesickness at university, and how we can support our kids to stay (relatively) healthy while they're away from home.  Here's a breakdown of our conversation: 2:30 - Popularity at school, and rushing through things instead of enjoying them 4:15 - Please excuse my dog Rocket, the postman triggered him! 7:00 - Letting your teen go and how to prepare yourself 9:40 - Social anxiety as a teenager 15:30 - Sorting out acne as a teenager (listen to ep. 59 for more on medication for acne) 22:10 - How to handle homesickness at university. Tip 1: Don't go home in the first 6 weeks! 35:45 - What to do when you start feeling ill after Freshers 38:15 - What if your child gets a tattoo? (As an aside - how to handle piercings that won't heal). What to consider, the truth about tattoo colours, and how difficult it is to remove a tattoo. 50:30 - What to do about a cartilage piercing that won't heal Who is Jill Grimes? Jill Grimes, MD, FAAFP, is an American nationally recognized medical media expert, award-winning author, and proud mum of two daughters. After two decades of private practice in family medicine, Dr. Grimes now splits her time between writing, speaking, and seeing patients. She's currently working on the 3rd edition of her latest book, The ULTIMATE College Student Health Handbook: Your Guide for Everything from Hangovers to Homesickness! Dr. Grimes is your go-to source for everything teens & young adults (& their parents) REALLY need to know about common anxieties, illnesses, injuries and so much more! * The TikTok College Doc [https://www.tiktok.com/@tiktok.collegedoc?lang=en] * Jill Grimes MD website [https://jillgrimesmd.com/] More teenage parenting from Helen Wills: Helen wills is a teen mental health podcaster and blogger at Actually Mummy [https://www.actuallymummy.co.uk/], a resource for midlife parents of teens. Thank you for listening! Subscribe [https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/teenage-kicks-podcast/id1501488455] to the Teenage Kicks podcast to hear new episodes. If you have a suggestion for the podcast or want to hear more on parenting teenagers contact me on Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/iamhelenwills/] and Twitter [https://twitter.com/iamhelenwills] @iamhelenwills. For information on your data privacy please visit Z [https://www.podcast.co/privacy]encastr. Please note that Helen Wills is not a medical expert, and nothing in the podcast should be taken as medical advice. If you're worried about yourself or a teenager, please seek support from a medical professional. Podcast produced by James Ede at Be Heard [https://www.beheard.org.uk/] production.
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