I think this podcast also has my statement and opinion on the lack of prosecution by the IRS, against these corrupt AF Supreme Court justices like Clarence Thomas, Justice alito and the other so-called "conservative" (Maga) judges. keep in mind, folks not only have these people accepted millions millions millions millions in unreported gifts from billionaires like Nazi memorabilia collector Harlan Crow! Harley owns the how's Clarence Thomas's Mama lives in! the $150,000 tuition for his nephew which he of course did not report! the infuriating thing about this is these people had business before the courts! so technically I guess not only should they be removed immediately for their outrageous Acts of corruption, for which they are totally holy unrepentant; but all the cases they adjudicated before? should be vacated and readjudicated when we have new judges to replace them! tell Grandpa Biden, call the White House 202-456-1111 and tell Brandon that he can relieve a really awesome legacy expanded the courts and appointed new judges! he could also pick up the damn phone and demand at least six of these justices resign over their perjuring themselves under oath about Roe v Wade being settled law, in order to get nominated to the highest court in the land and overturn it!!!!!! PS didn't Brandon make sure 87,000 IRS agent got hired??? WHY AREN'T THEY INVESTIGATING CLARENCE THOMAS????? CALL DICK DURBIN'S OFFICE IN THE CONGRESS! 202-224-3121 ; thank him for leading the oversight of this rampant Supreme Court corruption and ask him to call for their resignations and call for the IRS to investigate them for all these unreported gifts from billionaires! and call for their resignation based on the fact that Clarence Thomas's wife g i n n y and alito's wife actually participated in the January 6th insurrection! and a flag that was used by the January 6th domestic terrorists was flying at alito's house! and Mrs Thomas personally organized many buses of rioters to take part in the insurrection. COME ON AMERICA LET'S DRAIN THE SWAMP OURSELVES! WE NEED PUBLIC PRESSURE TO SHAME THESE MFRS OUT OF OFFICE AND SAFELY INTO THEIR PRISON CELL!
Trista Tramposch di Genova
MSt Oxford University
Ron Filipkowski is described as the best editor in the world so I want him to be my editor at #MTN MeidasTouch Network, as #TUCSONTRISTA! Diaperdoosh is always about the grift! You know Oklahoma governor just mandated Bible K12? Well it has to have Constitution, Bill of Rights in it, old...
Published 10/06/24
This episode was recorded in May and is an important piece of History regarding taking down the worst criminal in human history!
In the previous episode:
This day he is being charged for more election interference by way of paying off a pornstar Stormy Daniels so she didn't talk about the...
Published 10/04/24