Franklin Yao is the founder of Zrou, the plant-based meat alternative. He leads a team of scientists, chefs and branding leaders to create tasty food solutions such as plant-based protein alternatives to pork, beef and chicken. Through healthy, sustainable processes his company’s mission is to represent China on the global food stage, with affordable, accessible and attractive food options while doing “More Good”. Today we eat his Zrou chicken nuggets while we talk about how he compares Zrou to meat, what people actually want when it comes to food, KFC, the plant-based meat hype and its bad first impression in China. We get into Buddhism, mass consumerism, animal welfare, food security and ghost kitchens. We discuss why Franklin rejects plant-based advocacy and thinks trying to lecture and convert people is a bad idea. We also talk about his shocking experiences with race relations while studying in the US, teaching his kids about China and America and living a meaningful life.
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