Abe rejoices for America's recent victory.
Published 11/07/08
Abe rejoices for America's recent victory.
Published 11/07/08
Mary Todd Lincoln joins Abraham Lincoln via phone for the down and dirty on the impending US election.
Published 10/31/08
Mary Todd Lincoln joins Abraham Lincoln via phone for the down and dirty on the impending US election.
Published 10/31/08
Abe has some advice for Ron "Hollywood" Howard. (Links to follow)
Published 10/27/08
Abe has some advice for Ron "Hollywood" Howard. (Links to follow)
Published 10/27/08
Abe recaps Obama's Wednesday debate, Thursday's roasted McCain (and his girl Friday.) Also - Obama's iPhone app VS McCain's promotional wax cylinder which "sorta doubles as a candle." Love the logs? Join THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN LOGS Facebook group! ...
Published 10/17/08
Abe recaps Obama's Wednesday debate, Thursday's roasted McCain (and his girl Friday.) Also - Obama's iPhone app VS McCain's promotional wax cylinder which "sorta doubles as a candle." Love the logs? Join THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN LOGS Facebook group! ...
Published 10/17/08
Abe preaches only to the converted, badmouthing John McCain to any Internet-saavy and likely left-leaning liberals who will listen. The Elitest-est! ...
Published 10/10/08
Abe preaches only to the converted, badmouthing John McCain to any Internet-saavy and likely left-leaning liberals who will listen. The Elitest-est! ...
Published 10/10/08
Abe watches the bailout bill which includes sexy new "undercover" powers for the IRS: The name is Bond. JUNK Bond. ...
Published 10/06/08
Abe watches the bailout bill which includes sexy new "undercover" powers for the IRS: The name is Bond. JUNK Bond. ...
Published 10/06/08
Abe knows Senate only approved $700 billion bailout with now famous "39-cent excise tax for children's wooden practice arrows" exemption hoping "message arrows" might reverse "socialist" trend of breast cancer awareness stamps. Abe also feels that Sarah Palin is the victim of "Gotcha Journalism" but knows that before Sarah Palin we just called it "Journalism." ...
Published 10/06/08
Abe knows Senate only approved $700 billion bailout with now famous "39-cent excise tax for children's wooden practice arrows" exemption hoping "message arrows" might reverse "socialist" trend of breast cancer awareness stamps. Abe also feels that Sarah Palin is the victim of "Gotcha Journalism" but knows that before Sarah Palin we just called it "Journalism." ...
Published 10/06/08
Abe votes to bailout "good" and votes no on "evil." Or was it the reverse? ...
Published 09/29/08
Abe votes to bailout "good" and votes no on "evil." Or was it the reverse? ...
Published 09/29/08
Abe debates the debates, urges McCain to "scroll down" and chats up Amy Goodman about Martial Law. ...
Published 09/26/08
Abe leaks Palin's tears talking about email, privacy, surveillance and the role of technology in the upcoming battle for control of the remote. ...
Published 09/22/08
Abe's all moved in to his new secret headquarters - and has a confession to make... ...
Published 09/19/08
Having solved all political problems once and for all, Abe decides to treat himself to a hiatus. FISA, Bush, Obama, Kucinich and the rest - take a rest... ...
Published 07/14/08
Abe is BACK from his travels and once again ready to do his part. Learn of the Internet-less back country and the things he saw there. Also FISA,(Faux)Bama, and asking if anyone has noticed that the US Gov is apparently corrupt and terrible? ...
Published 07/11/08
Abe bows to recently deceased George Carlin, talks about telecom immunity and Obama - and what we can do to fix it, corporate ownership the rich versus the poor and Fox threatening America on behalf of Bush... Now on hiatus for a couple of weeks while Abe travels the country looking for his Bill of Rights. ...
Published 06/23/08
Abe teases out McCain's theory of "free men" and "fri tos" as well as invoking the awesome power of ceiling cat to save the Internet. ...
Published 06/20/08
Abe teases out McCain's theory of "free men" and "fri tos" as well as invoking the awesome power of ceiling cat to save the Internet. ...
Published 06/16/08
Abe gives a shout-out to Kucinich, makes sure Pelosi gets home safely, and uses some terrible, terrible words - but only in quoting McCain... ...
Published 06/13/08