“I had never taken much interest in Napoleon so listened to the first episode of this podcast on a whim. Well, here I am, still listening. The host is excellent. His voice is clear and his scripts are the perfect balance of narrative drama and glorious detail. The pacing is never rushed but equally there is no tortuous lingering over some academic issue. When ambiguity exists it is noted, a conclusion is drawn and the story goes on. Essentially, the host treats you as a capable and intelligent adult who is able to comprehend the idea that history is complicated, events can be interpreted in a variety of ways and that evidence is sometimes scarce.
Setting aside the quality of the podcast, Napoleon and his era are fascinating. This is the time when many modern liberal and leftist ideas were forged. Equally, Napoleon’s life takes many sharp turns and you can never tell quite what will happen next. Napoleon’s character is presented as deep and complex whereas the host could have easily decided to choose a few of the well loved stereotypes and shove them in as explanations of every single action Napoleon took. Rather, I have found myself becoming a little fond of Napoleon due to essential human empathy. What young person is not full of ambition and has had it stamped on by pure circumstance? Although this time it’s different, granted.
In summary, a totally human and intellectual podcast. The host has taken an interesting time and life but chosen the perfect tone and level of detail to bring us all a quite unbelievable story and not just recounting dry facts nor squabbling over the exact colour of Napoleon’s socks on the 10th of Thermidor Year 2 (or whether he in fact changed his socks in the afternoon to an entirely different coloure as some academics have argued). An easy 5 stars. Keep this up!”
podcastreviewnickname99 via Apple Podcasts ·
Great Britain ·