Dev Rugne MUFON Assistant State Director and author of the book "UFO Investigator"
Matt and Doug invite Dev Rugne to the studio as she discusses some of her experiences as a Chief field Investigator for MUFON as well as chronicling excerpts from her book "UFO Investigator"#LueElizondo #LuisElizondo #elizondo #pentagon #uap #ufo #nieuwerevu #uapdisclosure #congres #ufo #ufology #vechtenmetmoszkowicz #vmm #maxmoszkowicz #moszkowicz #congresdisclosure #nuclearwarheads #coldwar #ufonews #ufoscoop #nytimes #ufosightings #uapsightings #pentagonufo #pentagonuap #ufodisclosure #jamesfox #thephenomenon #robertsalas #nukes #nukesufo #malmstromufo #ufonukes #malmstrom #robertosalas #pentagon #uap #ufo #uapdisclosure #congres #ufo #ufology #vechtenmetmoszkowicz #vmm #maxmoszkowicz #moszkowicz #congresdisclosure #coldwar #ufonews #ufoscoop #nytimes #ufosightings #uapsightings #pentagonufo #pentagonuap #ufodisclosure #jamesfox #thephenomenon #lueelizondo #uapnukes #ufology #unidentifiedaerialphenomena #robertsalasufo #ufosightings #jamescfox #jamesfox #thephenomenon #phenomenonfilm #180days #ufo #ufologie #pentagon #uap #ufo #uapdisclosure #congres #ufo #ufology #vechtenmetmoszkowicz #vmm #maxmoszkowicz #moszkowicz #congresdisclosure #nuclearwarheads #coldwar #ufonews #ufoscoop #nytimes #ufosightings #uapsightings #pentagonufo #pentagonuap #ufodisclosure #jamesfox #thephenomenon #theBIGPHONEHOME #UAPactnow #enduapsecrecy #luisjiminez #basrutten #ufomeldpunt #ufotwitter #uap #ufo #pentagonreport #pentagon #UAPactnow #EndUAPSecrecy #postmaloneufo #thedebrief #lueelizondo #ufodiscussion #NYTUFO #theproofisoutthere #historychannel #Harvardufo #ufooahu #hawaiiufo #ufonews #ufonews2021 #oahu #LAXjetpack #LAXfufo #historychannel #roswell #firstwitness #IsraelUFO #Elizondo Lue Elizondo #飞碟 #五角大楼报告 #披露 #divulgar #OVNI #НЛО #otchet #Pentagona #Oak Island#Grusch उफौ, aria,l, अज्ञात, फ्लाइंग, ऑब्जेक्ट, प्राचीन इतिहास, प्राचीन, इतिहास, post, praveen, mohan