Not to be confused with the other Leatherface, but at least not a variation of Chain Massacre Saw Texas. This is a prequel, but not tied to the other previous prequels except maybe? I'm beginning to think maybe this series needs to go to space, New York, or Dinosaur Island.
Sorry for the delay. Apparently we set something on the server to "bad'. We aren't sure when it happened, before or after we watched the movie, because woof. Frankenstein implies parts. Is our job (nonpaid) to just watch anything anyone slaps a name onto? Would we buy Amityville Bibles and...
Published 08/21/24
It's in Amityville. People are on an elevator. There are thankfully no fart jokes. Beyond that, what is there to talk about? We take an hour to try and figure that out.
Published 07/10/24