Hi, Angel of Vine fans! Introducing a new scripted fiction show created by Michael Freiberg as an iHeartRadio and Astrum Media production called Intra Quest. In the show, the characters embark on a quest that could save the world. As they face a primordial evil that has the power to possess the mind and rules over a mental realm called The Intra.
About Intra Quest: In a distant future, long after the apocalypse was forgotten and the history of civilization lost, three adventurers, a smooth-talking leader, a big-hearted brute, and an analytical savant, embark on a quest that could save the world. They face a primordial evil that has the power to possess the mind and rules over a mental realm called The Intra.
A production of iHeartRadio and Astrum Media. Created by Michael Freiberg.
Listen to Intra Quest now on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts!
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Built on a foundation of historical relevance and structured by a kind of dream logic, THE PASSAGE is an immersive, psychological, 3D audio experience that invites listeners to explore the collective American psyche from the perspective of its most legendary souls. This is an ongoing audio series...
Published 02/13/24
Hi, Angel of Vine fans! iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild are excited to tell you about Consumed - a brand new fiction thriller that we think will... consume you! Don't believe us? Check out this trailer to see for yourself. When you're done, head on over to Consumed starting 1/31 for weekly...
Published 01/31/24