“In this crazy polarized world/country we live in, it’s nice to have a simple read/listen everyday to remind yourself/myself who we/I are and what we are made of. Please keep the relationship you have with God, it’s sacred. If you do not have a true relationship with our Lord and Savior, I promise you want one. It’s NEVER too late! God forgives and love every single one of his children and we need to spread the word as much as we can, as it seems...the end of times per the Bible, could be near...I love all my brothers and sisters! As well obviously I love our Father God in heaven and his son Jesus Christ, dying on the Cross for our sins...try just asking someone for a bottle of water when your thirsty, most will walk right by you. Our Lord loved us enough to send his own son to set us on a successful path to heaven!”
Storey9191 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·