Episode 34 // Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah // Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans
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This week, Steve Crawford and our guest Rev. Clarke Campbell-Evans discuss the books of Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah. Clarke helps us see the literary themes in each booth and offers a powerful summary of the prophetic purpose through the...
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Published 12/31/20
For our Finale, your hosts through the year, Mat, Nikki, and Monica come together for a year in review. Listen for a personal take on the project from your hosts.Thank you for journeying with us for the Bible Project 2020! #HydeParkUMC Learn more about...
Published 12/31/20
 On this week’s episode, Mat Hotho and Nikki Taylor interview Nikki’s former teacher, Joseph Trafton.Dr. Trafton has retired from teaching at Western Kentucky University. He has UMC roots, but now lives and attends church in Nashville, TN. He has many...
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