Join the Clique as we discuss all of the beliefs associated with the human conditions, we blindly accept, that are serving us no purpose but to keep us on this continuous cycle of physical incarnation. Ever think about why you feel the way you do about certain events that happen on your life? Why do you label things negative or positive? Who's value system did you inherit? Let;s talk about it!
We will discuss this and much more!
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Join us for the return of the Clique! As we chop it up once again concerning the values and neglects of our current station. In a time where distraction is at a premium and deception is the is order of the day we find ourselves wavering in our circumstance....
Published 09/05/17
Let's talk about coonin'! What is it, how to recognize it, and what to do if you find that you are one. Join the click as we speak of our own cooning experiences, and what we did about it.
Published 01/31/16