My YouTube:
February 5, 2022
Discussion with Alison McDowell on the Metaverse and the big picture.
Some keywords that serve as prime examples of doublespeak in this context:
1. Self-Sovereignty
2. Disruptive Tech
3. Decentralization
4. Sustainable development
5. Stakeholder Economy
6. Social Nudges
Important information and links:
1. from Alison’s discussion with Jason Bosch
“Opportunity Youth: An in-depth follow-up to questioning the Greater Reset III.”
2. Steven T Newcomb “Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Discovery.”
4. Every Student Succeeds Act: &
5. Melanie Swan, founder of Founder of the Institute for Blockchain Studies &
6. Smart Toilets Data Collection
7. Disruptive Technology
8. Blockchain Founders Fund
9. Shaun Conway of ixo, system of credits, South Africa,
10. Enigma Protocols
11. Patrick Wood author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation
12. West Virginia Gov offers prizes for compliance last Spring
13. Alison’s latest presentation, a wealth of information which can be found at this link:
Timestamps for YouTube:
00:00:00 Intro
00:02:00 Welcome Alison, basic agenda for discussion
00:07:41 Joe Rogan Clip with Ben Shapiro on Metaverse Fair Use
00:10:00 Joe’s Point
00:10:48 Alison’s thoughts on linking Facebook to the Meta and renaming it, beta testing
00:11:30 Difference between virtual reality and mixed reality. How will people respond?
00:12:00 VR Headsets, tech growing smaller such as headsets as small as contact lenses
00:12:31 How would mixed reality look to the average person. The digital world and physical world have integrated sensors.
00:14:15 Smart toilets, sensors, data collection, and subsequent permissions or restrictions based on your data and ‘threat level.’ Digital IDs.
00:15:50 Digital Education and Blockchain credentials, the Learning Economy Foundation, Skills Badges, partnerships such as Lego and MIT. Targeting kids for the training of AI.
00:20:17 NFTs, choice, and augmented reality. Another aspect of the two-tier society.
00:23:03 Social Capital, how Alison’s Research Began. Read about Shaun Conway and “The tokenized impact economy, metadata, social capital
00:27:00 Tokens minted, splinterland, Blockchain Founders Fund, Health Hero, NFT that represents your well-being. Example: West Virginia teachers have devices to count their steps and this determines fines on insurance. And gathers personal data.
00:32:00 Interoperability and Digital ID. Capitalizing on our wellbeing of lack of wellbeing.
00:34:40 Air sensors to detect viruses in the air?
00:36:05 Jailbreaking the Code of Life. The education and Health Space-the Gateway. Melanie Swan, nanomachines, the hive mind.
00:44:58 E-Government and AI assistants/digi
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