2006, July 17th, Turin. We are in the middle of the Italian summer, Italy has just won its fourth soccer World Cup and a body is found in a tip, rolled in an old carpet. Find out how a quirky bug expert forensic scientist frees a wrongly accused pimp and helps police find the true killer.
- Fa caldo il 17 luglio 2006, quasi 30 gradi e umido… un capannello di curiosi osserva la polizia, che sigilla la zona vicino alla ferrovia, in via San Paolo.
Al centro della scena, avvolto da sacchetti di plastica e da una coperta e ancora da un tappeto, un cadavere in avanzato stato di decomposizione… sui resti, un brulichio di larve e mosche.
Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italy, winter 2013. A little town is shaken by the discovery of a mummified body. Who is the mummy and why was it placed on a chair? Listen to how the Bug Whisperer helps the police solve this intricate case from Perth, Australia. - Borgo San Dalmazzo, inverno del 2013. La...
Published 11/14/17
Borgo San Dalmazzo, Italy, winter 2013. A little town is shaken by the discovery of a mummified body. Who is the mummy and why was it placed on a chair? Listen to how the Bug Whisperer helps the police solve this intricate case from Perth, Australia. - Borgo San Dalmazzo, inverno del 2013. La...
Published 11/14/17