Victor Davis Hanson explains how political and cultural changes in California have eroded the state's status as a national leader.
Published 01/27/17
Victor Davis Hanson examines the constituent parts of Donald Trump's political beliefs and attempts to deduce the animating principles of Trumpism.
Published 01/18/17
Victor Davis Hanson describes how higher education and the media have eroded -- and provides recommendations for reforming each.
Published 12/19/16
Victor Davis Hanson looks at the controversies around Donald Trump's relationship with the Russian government and analyzes the trajectory of Washington's relationship with Moscow.
Published 12/14/16
Victor Davis Hanson provides cultural and historical context for Donald Trump's presidential victory and speculates on what the early days of the new administration may yield.
Published 12/05/16
Victor Davis Hanson talks about the just concluded 2016 Presidential election and its implications for the future.
Published 11/15/16
Victor Davis Hanson explains why many Americans are increasingly removed from the nation's core political, economic, and cultural institutions.
Published 11/04/16
Victor Davis Hanson points to a future in which many of America's key political, social, and media institutions will erode as a consequence of the 2016 election cycle.
Published 10/28/16
Victor Davis Hanson explains why the waning months of Barack Obama's presidency may turn out to be one of the most volatile periods for national security that America has seen in decades.
Published 09/22/16
Victor Davis Hanson examines Donald Trump’s shifting tone on immigration — and provides a prescription for what a sensible immigration policy should look like.
Published 09/06/16
Victor Davis Hanson explores the tensions between technological progress and cultural vitality.
Published 08/30/16
Victor Davis Hanson looks at how the year 1941 transformed World War II from a regional conflict into a global conflagration—and explains how lessons from that era apply to modern foreign policy challenges.
Published 08/21/16
Victor Davis Hanson considers whether flaring racial tensions throughout the country can be salved – and whether our politicians are up to the task.
Published 07/14/16
Victor Davis Hanson looks at the factors that may predict an irreversible American decline.
Published 07/05/16
Victor Davis Hanson analyzes what Britain’s exit from the EU means for the future of European culture and international security.
Published 06/24/16
Victor Davis Hanson looks at why America has been the historical exception to the failure of multiethnic societies – and examines the trends threatening to undo that accomplishment.
Published 06/15/16
Victor Davis Hanson describes how a new class of young, entitled, culturally conformist leaders are rising to power in Washington, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley.
Published 06/01/16
Victor Davis Hanson describes how progressive clichés like “settled science” and “the right side of history” distort political thought.
Published 05/20/16
Victor Davis Hanson considers the issues that will face the next President of the United States both at home and abroad.
Published 04/29/16
Victor Davis Hanson looks at the factors behind European decline – and analyzes whether those factors will soon manifest in the United States as well.
Published 04/19/16
Victor Davis Hanson presents a Decalogue to guide the behavior of the next inhabitant of the Oval Office.
Published 04/04/16
Victor Davis Hanson weighs in on the prospect of a contested GOP convention and the decision points in a general election that could pit Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton.
Published 03/28/16
Victor Davis Hanson looks at how a declining respect for the rule of law and a rising tide of multiculturalism combine to exacerbate the problem of illegal immigration.
Published 03/15/16
Victor Davis Hanson separates myth from fact in an in-depth discussion of the second Gulf War.
Published 03/11/16
Victor Davis Hanson considers a future in which it’s increasingly likely Donald Trump will be the Republican presidential nominee.
Published 03/04/16