In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner joins Eric Chabot from Ratio Christi Ohio State and fields questions related to the case for Christianity and our roles as “one dollar” apologists.
Published 11/29/23
What are the unique challenges facing us as parents (and as dads specifically) as we raise our kids to stand strong in their faith? In this episode, J. Warner talks with Dave and Dante from Legacy Dads as they discuss the issues facing young believers and the case for Christianity.
Published 11/22/23
What is unique about Christianity? How does Christianity uniquely and accurately describe the world around us? In this interview with Alex McFarland, J. Warner describes the unique, evidential nature of the Christian worldview.
Published 11/15/23
What is “holy sexuality”? How might it be expressed and lived in our present culture? In this podcast, J. Warner interviews Christopher Yuan to investigate his journey from homosexuality to life in Christ. They also discuss Christopher’s new online educational effort, The Holy Sexuality Project, and Christopher’s desire to train and equip the church.
Published 11/08/23
Are there any good reasons to believe we will live beyond the death of our bodies? Is there any evidence for the existence of the soul? In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner talks with Eric Hovind on Creation Today as they investigate the evidence for the soul as an important foundation for the Christian worldview.
Published 11/01/23
Why do men (and all humans) misplace their identity in something other than Christ? How can we reconsider our identity to thrive in the current culture? In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner Interviews Dr. Joe Martin to examine the importance we place on identity and how centering our identity in Christ makes all the difference in the world.
Published 10/25/23
How can the Church respond to cultural challenges to traditional marriage and gender identity? In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner interviews Frank Turek about the new updated version of his book, Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism, to investigate why these issues are so popular in culture and how we, as Christians, should respond.
Published 10/18/23
Are progressive churches distorting the truth about Jesus? If so, what is their motivation? In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner interviews Jason Jimenez about his new book, Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church, to find out precisely how progressive Christians has redefined Jesus for popular consumption.
Published 10/11/23
How does the Christian worldview inform your interaction with the world around you? In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner talks with David Knight from the David Knight Show about the importance of grounding your worldview in an evidential Christian faith.
Published 10/04/23
In this episode J. Warner talks with Joel Settecase from the Think Institute about making the case for Christianity. Joel is a winsome presuppositional apologist and they talk about the role each approach might take in building a case. Be sure to subscribe to the Worldview Legacy Podcast to hear more from Joel’s team.
Published 09/27/23
In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner talks with Perry LaHaie and Shawna Beyer from Perry and Shawna Mornings about the evidential nature of Christianity and why it’s so important to present Christianity as reasonable in a world that is skeptical of religious claims.
Published 09/20/23
In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner discusses the nature of truth with Bill Arnold from Faith Radio. Why is it so critical to defend the existence of objective truth? What are the consequences if we don’t?
Published 09/13/23
Today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called "another gospel." In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner interviews Allen Parr about his book, Misled: 7 Lies That Distort the Gospel (and How You Can Discern the Truth), offering clarity and hope for anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey.
Published 09/06/23
In this episode J. Warner talks with the hosts of the Stream Roots Podcast and discuss the cummulative case for the reliability of the New Testament in anticipation of the Updated and Revised Edition of Cold-Case Christianity.
Published 08/30/23
In this episode, J. Warner talks with Mikel Del Rosario (The Apologetics Guy) and discusses the positive case for the truth of Christianity, focusing on key lessons about the use of evidence and inference in police investigations. Discover how a real-life detective uses his investigative experience to contend for the faith.
Published 08/24/23
In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner tralks with Julio Rodriguez and discusses the filming of “God’s Not Dead 2”, the state of the Christian church, the philosophical evidence from the impossibility of infinite regress, and the complexity of DNA as he makes a case for the existence of God.
Published 08/16/23
In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner replays his guest appearance on the Stand to Reason Radio Show. J. Warner gives four reasons we can be confident the Gospel accounts are eyewitness accounts, answers a question about family planning, discusses how Christian principles cause people to thrive, then talks to callers about the Old Testament prophets and why God created Satan.
Published 08/09/23
In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner talks with Janell Wood and shares his story of coming from a contentedly non-christian worldview and not feeling like Christianity was relevant to him to believing in Jesus. He explains how marriage and becoming a father started turned his head towards the need for a solidified worldview. They talk about J. Warner's work as a detective and how his experience thinking things through in an evidence based way led him to belief in the resurrection of...
Published 08/02/23
Can the truth about Jesus be uncovered–even without a body or a crime scene? In this podcast, J. Warner describes the reason he investigated the case for Jesus using an innovative and unique approach he employs to solve real missing person murder cases. This podcast was created from J. Warner's interview on Stand Up for the Truth.
Published 07/26/23
In this podcast, J. Warner shares his personal journey and investigation through the New Testament documents with Ally Domercant, host of Snapshot Testimony. Their discussion includes insight into the nature and definition of "faith" and the important role of evidence.
Published 07/19/23
In this podcast, J. Warner moderates a panel discussion on the topic of why are Christian ‘celebrities’ leaving the faith or deconstructing their beliefs. The panelists are Alisa Childers, a former singer of ZOEgirl and an author of Another Gospel, John Cooper, the lead singer of Skillet and an author of Awake and Alive to Truth, and Dave Stovall, a former musician of Waverly and Audio Adrenaline and a worship leader at Journey Church. They share their insights and experiences on how to deal...
Published 07/12/23
What’s the key to being an effective apologist today? We need more apologists in the church who can equip and reach people where they are at. In this discussion with Dr. Sean McDowell, J. Warner discusses the best strategies for defending the faith today.
Published 07/05/23
J. Warner sits down with Dave Jenkins from Servants of Grace for an episode of Equipping You In Grace to talk about why Christians should care about what happens to the police, the defund the police movement, Antifa, the handling of high-profile law enforcement cases, and much more.
Published 06/28/23
In this episode J. Warner talks with Bill Arnold from Faith Radio about a variety of topics including: worldviews, the sinners prayer, evangelism, objective standard, Hebrews 9:27, the Romans road, and much more.
Published 06/21/23
What’s the difference between teaching and training? How can we employ a training model to help us be better prepared as Christian Case Makers? In this episode of the podcast, J. Warner plays his session as the host of the Stand to Reason Radio Show.
Published 06/14/23