Hi there! Happy end of June and welcome to the fifth edition of the Conductor’s Podcast Wisdom series, a new series full of shared life experiences and, of course, wisdom! This series is aired on the last Monday of each month, and in each episode, I am going to pose a question to 10 musicians, conductors, or business gurus. So including myself, you will hear all the goodies from a wide variety of people, thus called the wisdom series. Now, without further ado, let’s get started.
This month’s question that I am asking my people is, “What's your favorite self-care practice?"
I asked this question selfishly as I suck (!!!!) at taking care of myself..... Let's hear what my guests have to say:
Julia Baumanis (Assistant Director of Bands at Rutgers University, episode 31)
Kristin Roach (opera conductor, Episode 12)
Kiernan Steiner or Dr. Kiki (Decolonization consultant and choral conductor, episode 17)
Tiffany Chang (opera and orchestra conductor, episode 4)
Emily Koh (composer)
Margaret Flood (Founder, Frost Young Women Conductor Symposium)
Susie Seiter (film conductor, episode 29)
Ashley Killam and Carrie Blosser (co-founder, Diversify the Stand, episode 20)
Stephanie Havey (stage director, episode 32)