Experiencing connection or conflict in most relationships usually comes down to one foundational issue, communication. Communication is at the epicenter of all human relationships, making it one of the most vital topics necessary to understand if we hope to be successful in our exchanges with one another. Unfortunately, most of us rarely consider the ways our communication style is affecting us getting the results we so desperately desires. But what if there were a few simple tweaks to the...
Published 01/08/24
It’s easy for many of us to find ourselves surviving seasons of life. As we pass through difficulties we can often find ourselves looking toward what the future brings without taking time to examine what was. But what if a healthy reflection of what we’ve been through is vital to framing the way we approach our future? In this episode Justin and Abi review their last season of life. They discuss how eliminating black and white thinking helps them to extract the beauty out of their...
Published 01/01/24
For many of us it’s easy to live life from one day to the next getting bogged down by the demands and drama that we believe require our attention. We can get lost in goals and achievements, while finding ourselves missing out on vital moments that are designed to impact us and the world around us. But what happens when we take time to slow down and reflect on the love that we’ve received and given? In this powerful Christmas episode, Justin and Abi reflect on ways that love has been gifted...
Published 12/25/23
When we look at the difficulties in our lives, and see the suffering in the world, it’s easy to feel like we’ve been abandoned and left all alone to survive. But what if in the midst of all the messiness there’s a God that’s always with us and deeply cares about us? In this episode Abi and Justin discuss the ways a good and radically loving God found His way into our humanity, starting by tangibly stepping into the human condition, and then further extending Himself into our individual...
Published 12/18/23
For most of us the idea of failure is filled with a sense of dread. It’s often associated with shame, punishment, and disconnection. It often feels like is says something negative about who we are. But what if failure wasn’t an abusive bully, but rather a friendly mentor rooting for us to succeed? In this episode Abi and Justin are joined by their good friend and owner of The Adventure Challenge, Bryant Ellis. Bryant discusses the toxic relationship many of us have with failure, the...
Published 12/11/23
Every family system comes with its own mess. Every sibling finds themselves playing a role whether it’s assigned to them or they unconsciously take it on. Through these roles pain is perpetuated. In an environment where we should feel most known, we can feel the least seen. But what if our our siblings could be catalytic to feeling loved and understood? In this episode Justin takes a fascinating behind the scenes look into a family of twelve through the eyes of three siblings on independent...
Published 12/04/23
We all have certain expectations of what our lives should look like both in the long term and the day to day. These expectations can often get us stuck in ways of living that leave us having an experience that can feel boring and mediocre. Change can be scary and disappointment can feel overwhelmingly painful, but can the unexpected actually be an invitation to pivot into an abundant life that gets fully lived? In this episode Justin and Abi open up about detours that became divine pivots in...
Published 11/27/23
When it comes to success and self-help books, gratitude is often identified as a foundational key to the achievements and wellbeing of any individual. It’s often suggested that gratitude plays a crucial role in the experience of happiness and joy a person has. But what if having gratitude  transcends just having a good life and is vital to an eternal experience? In this Thanksgiving episode Justin sits down with Jonny Duffield to discuss gratitude from a unique angle. After much research and...
Published 11/20/23
Creating a life of wholeness isn’t for the faint of heart. Choosing to foster change and development can feel like a lonely road. The process is difficult and the end result is never perfection. No matter how much we grow, messiness is always part of our human experience. But the beauty of the journey is that we don’t have to do it alone! In this Episode Abi and Justin chat with two friends that found each other in Life Consulting MasterClass, Amy and Emily. The two share about their...
Published 11/13/23
We’ve all had friendships where we’ve hurt others and they’ve hurt us. This is an inescapable part of humanity. When our messiness collides friendships can break us in a way that causes us to want to shut down and shut off towards connection. But what if there was love in friendships that could make us and restore the places that seemed permanently broken? In this episode Abi and Justin sit down with Desiree and Karen, two friends that found each other in Life Consulting MasterClass. Des and...
Published 11/06/23
There are seasons in all of our lives where we feel so broken that we’re willing to do almost anything to stop the pain. For many of us, being willing to allow love to have an impact on us is often the last thing we want to do. The exposure we feel when we begin to trust others with our stories, and our hearts, can feel so terrifying that it seems nearly impossible to say yes to. But what happens when we feel so safe in a community that we choose to risk letting our walls down? In this...
Published 10/30/23
In a culture of achievement, productivity, and purpose, it’s possible to create a world where we’ve achieved our dreams, yet still feel like we’re missing out on life. The internal drive we have towards an end goal can be filled with chaos, while peace is nothing more than an idea far in the distance. But what if we could experience a successful life built on rest and connection? In this episode Abi and Justin are joined by their friends and LCMC students Carly and Amos. Carly and Amos share...
Published 10/23/23
For many of us, when considering letting people into our lives, they’re either all in or all out. Progressively letting people into our hearts is rare and when we do gradually let them in, we rarely have clarity on the terms governing the relationship. Because of this we can often feel anxious or easily betrayed, but what if the connections we build could be created around more deliberate conditions? In this episode Justin and Abi explore the reasons they let people close to them, how they...
Published 10/16/23
Many of us believe that creating a successful life is centered around outward goals and actions. Though this can yield favorable results, the end product can often feel empty and pointless. But what if deliberately posturing our heart in ways that ignite connection, creativity, and hope were just as vital to actually experiencing a sense of fulfillment? In part two of this two part series Justin and Abi take a look at 8 fundamental  qualities that are necessary in the way we approach life if...
Published 10/09/23
Success is often defined in the broader culture by enormous amounts of wealth, power, and notoriety. While this idea of success can feel tempting, it isn’t necessarily fulfilling to most people. At the heart of success is a sense of fulfillment unique to every individual’s life. And although it’s a unique experience, there are components that universally play a part in every person’s creation of it. In this two part series Justin and Abi sit down to discuss key foundations to creating a...
Published 10/02/23
In part two of this two part series Justin and Abi’s close friend, fellow Life Consultant, and clinical psychologist Ruth Outram joins the conversation once again. In this episode Ruth takes us deeper into the impact of her belief system on her financial wellbeing. She shares about her battle with shame and the intolerable emotions she fought to avoid like anxiety and worry. She also discusses her practical process of rewiring her beliefs through deliberate actions. Together they tackle the...
Published 09/25/23
Money is a tricky topic for many people. Conversations around finances are often taboo and filled with shame and condemnation. If we have too little of it, we feel like a failure, if we have too much of it, we feel guilty. It’s easy to live feeling like a prisoner to our emotions about money, but what if we could feel powerful and at peace with our finances? In this episode Justin and Abi are joined by their good friend and fellow Life Consultant Ruth Outram. Ruth opens up about her...
Published 09/18/23
Our attraction to others can often feel confusing and complicated. For many of us it’s easy to judge ourselves for the things we don’t understand about our desires. Without a better understanding of how we function it’s easy to create conclusions about ourselves and our identities. But what if clarity about our attraction and sexuality could break shame and bring freedom? In this episode Abi and Justin sit down with their good friend Ruth Outram, a clinical psychologist training to get her...
Published 09/11/23
Can you imagine a world where you feel like a champ at fostering repair in conflict? When disconnection hits a relationship it can be really jarring. Without tools to reconnect we can feel overwhelmed, anxious, and out of control. It’s easy to feel like we’re failing, or just getting by. Sometimes, it can even feel hopeless and irreparable. But what if there were a few foundational principles that could set you up to feel like a boss at repair? In this episode Justin and Abi share about the...
Published 09/04/23
We all desire a life filled with healthy connections. Unfortunately, the way we relate to others stops us from having the fulfillment we hope for. Oftentimes we assume the intent of other’s words, actions, and decisions. These judgements leave massive room for misinterpretation, creating chaos and disconnection. But what if something as simple as curiosity could restore working relationships, friendships, families, and marriages? In this episode Justin and Abi explore reasons as to why we...
Published 08/28/23
As humans, we have an immense capacity to do damage to ourselves and the ones we love. The darkness of our decisions can leave our lives bankrupt and seemingly beyond redemption. With no where to run, and no one to run to, it’s easy to understand why many people give up all together. But, what happens when a miracle working Creator graciously intervenes in the most seemingly hopeless circumstances?  In this episode, Justin sits down at a Wyoming Men’s retreat for an awe-inspiring interview...
Published 08/21/23
What if it was possible to experience happiness and deep connection to yourself and others in the midst of illness? If we’ve been alive long enough, there’s a good chance that we, or a loved one, have been affected by some form of sickness. For many of us, the battle with health complications can take a toll not only our bodies, but on our emotions and the emotions of the ones we love. Sickness can leave people feeling disconnected and broken in many ways, but it doesn’t have to be that way. ...
Published 08/14/23
What if it’s possible to experience and express life in a way that leaves a fulfilling impact on us and the ones we love the most? For many of us, life can feel like a painful and mundane prison sentence that we’re forced to survive. Along the way we lose our spark of innocence and joy. It’s easy to believe that this is just the way life is, but what if it’s meant to be so much more? In this episode Justin and Abi dive into a vision casting conversation about the future of The Connected...
Published 08/07/23
Fostering an environment of love and connection within a community isn't easy. Creating a culture of authentic and powerful people requires a commitment to humility that can leave room for misunderstandings, judgments, and loss, leaving us wondering if it’s even worth it. But what happens when emotional healing paves the way for miraculous experiences that change the course of our lives forever? In one of the most inspiring episodes to date, Tiffany Matthews, co-senior leader of The Gate...
Published 07/31/23
What if our resistance to the inevitable was a root of unnecessary suffering and trauma? Often life has a way of delivering us circumstances that are different than we imagined. It’s easy to attempt to resist the reality in front of us in hopes of things changing, but they rarely do. Finding our power in all situations is possible and highly likely if we're willing to make simple adjustments to our approach.   In this episode Jonny and Pietze join the conversation once again to discuss the...
Published 07/24/23