CW Blogcast 31 - Get off the fence, investors.
If you’re part of the crowd of millions tired of getting slapped around by Wall Street chicanery, it’s only natural to be hesitant about committing more money to alternative investments, especially when you’ve been brainwashed your whole life to believe stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are IT. There is no other investment class.
At Platinum Properties Investor Network™, we’re here to tell you real estate is not an alternative to the stock market. The word “alternative” implies the two concepts are generally on the same playing field when it comes to value.
Real estate, especially income property investing, has proven itself to be history’s best choice to earn the kind of return on your money that can make you independently wealthy. But people have been bitten hard by Wall Street lately and are hesitant to enter the fray. Remember this - real estate is not a boom and bust asset. Think of it as an infinite progression of waves. It’s never going to go away and stay gone. It can’t because one of the basic necessities of life is a shelter.
We can live without computers. We can live without box store discounts on everything under the sun but we can’t live without shelter. Now would be an excellent time to get off the fence and invest in income property. If you’re curious how to get started in this type of investing, go HERE for a free education and to listen toThe Creating Wealth Show with Jason Hartman.
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