Great podcast
I like this podcast a lot. But that last guest talked more like a policy maker than as a scientist. Kind of agonizing..
ustillthot via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/09/20
More reviews of The Derivative
Whoever gave this podcast two stars should have their head examined. 5 stars! Too many amazing guests to name. Keep it up Jeff
sota_trading via Apple Podcasts · Canada · 06/02/23
The guests brought on are incredible and I am grateful overall for the podcast! My suggestion for the interviewer is to not interject so much and talk over the guests. They are intelligent and clearly articulate their points. Let them finish speaking and then follow up. Many Thanks!
Matt8363891)3 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/28/21
The only problem was in backing up 15 seconds to hear a statement repeated, I was taken to a totally different part of the podcast. Minutes separate one push of the 10 second forward control. Tens of minutes on the 15 seconds back control. When the end of the countdown to podcast length came,...Read full review »
TheLoneComic via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 02/25/23
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