Published 10/25/21
In today’s episode, Emily is joined by Mimi Young. Mimi is a Taiwanese Canadian shamanic intuitive and occultist, and the founder of Ceremonie, an esoteric brand that helps people connect with spirits through education and mentorship, private readings, and skin and aura care. Mimi works at the intersection of core shamanism, ancestral wisdom, dream work, chaos magick, and other Chinese mystic practices to communicate with the spirits. Her approach is pragmatic, profound, and deeply...
Published 10/25/21
After a two-month hiatus, Emily is back with personal, business, and collective updates for you. During this two-month break from the podcast, Emily entered the deepest depth of grief she has felt in this lifetime while mourning the passing of her teacher, Guru Jagat, officially became a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, traveled internationally for the first time in two years, and stepped into a new level of trust with her Spirit Team and Guides. With all of that said, she is back and more dedicated...
Published 10/04/21
Today Emily is bringing solo episodes back and this one is extra special. As a medium, Emily has an insider’s look into many of humanity’s biggest mysteries and this conversation is all about death. She shares messages received from a man on the other side about his personal experience following his death. If you are someone who fears death, wonders what happens when a soul leaves the human body, and how people transition, this episode is an invitation into the other world.
Published 07/26/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily created another beautiful montage of soul-filled clips from her Psychic Development workshops in Emily The Medium: The Collective. This monthly membership-based container is near and dear to Emily’s heart and bursting at the seams with her knowledge, wisdom, insight, energy, and intention. This membership began back in October of 2020 and has been going strong ever since. This is your chance to get a taste of what you receive as a member so prepare to listen,...
Published 07/12/21
In today’s episode, Emily is joined by her dear friend, Abigail Turner. Abigail is a wild woman of the ancient sky who has been chosen as the soul to bring forth a powerful creation to this new earth. She guides others on a journey of evolution through Ancient Fem Wisdom, Alchemy, and Energetics and quite simply is bringing about a much-needed balance to this realm. This conversation will leave your soul feeling deeply held, stirred, and dripping with the oils of resonance. From the power of...
Published 07/05/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily created a beautiful montage of soul-filled clips from her teachings in Emily The Medium: The Collective. This monthly membership-based container is near and dear to Emily’s heart and is bursting at the seams with her knowledge, wisdom, insight, energy, and intention. This membership began back in October of 2020 and has been going strong ever since. This is your chance to get a taste of what you receive as a member so prepare to listen, integrate and then go...
Published 06/21/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily speaks to her powerful experience with her first-ever live spirit baby healing event that was held on June 9th. You will hear some clips from the channeled portion of her event, learn more about the celestial healing frequency she is working with and where her business is headed from here. Whether you are currently pregnant, ready to conceive, already have children, navigating a miscarriage, starting your IVF journey, or just looking to heal alongside other...
Published 06/14/21
In today’s episode, Emily is graced by the presence of light being, frequency holder, soul seer, channel and soul sounds singer, Lais Scort. Lais is the founder of Your Captivating Brand, host of the Soul Sounds Lighthouse podcast, and a magic space holder for divine creators to see their true power and delight in it. She helps to guide women to bring their inner light to the surface through music, online ceremonies, and sisterhood containers where channeling, astrology, sound, and radiance...
Published 06/07/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily put together a powerhouse of a Q&A for you. You asked and she answered. This episode discusses everything from Spirit Babies, to what the afterlife is like, navigating the symptoms and challenges that come with intuitive development, and epic astral travel stories from Emily’s recent visit with The Lemurians.
Published 05/31/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily speaks to the common thread she notices among most people right now - lying. She addresses the many ways people are lying to themselves daily and how it has become the poison of our planet. With the eclipse season upon us, now is the time to get self-aware, honest, and prepare for the massive changes coming. Let Emily show you how to conduct an energetic audit, stop lying to yourself, release shame around your blind spots, and create more space for the Divine to...
Published 05/24/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily reflects on last week’s message with gratitude for all who listened, supported, and found a restored sense of hope in her message. But, she was just getting warmed up because spiritual warfare is upon us, and people seem to have forgotten they have a choice. Emily speaks to the importance of standing up for your truth, showing up as a spiritual warrior, and a new service she is offering to help purge, clear, and heal the collective.
Published 05/10/21
In today’s solo episode, Emily bears it all. As a psychic medium, she has had people from all over the world coming to her throughout this last year asking what is happening, where the world is headed, and if they are safe. Today she answers those very questions for the collective from a loving, open, and deeply concerned place. She believes it is time for bravery, for trusting your own body, and for questioning where you stand in all of this. She is optimistic, but make no mistake, this...
Published 05/03/21
Emily has the ultimate treat for you in today’s episode because she brought on Christina The Channel as a guest! Christina is the host of Christina The Channel Podcast, an intuitive, founder of Ahai 7D energy healing, a trance channel, and business mentor who helps others tap into their intuitive gifts, activate abundance, miracles and manifest their dream life. Today no topic is off the table as they discuss frequency, ascension, manifestation, interdimensional communication, and more.
Published 04/26/21
In today’s episode, Emily dives deeper into your multidimensional awakening and shares more of a micro perspective on what life has been like over the past several months. This episode not only speaks to her experience but provides insight and guidance for those who may be undergoing similar energetic upgrades and struggling to make sense of it all.
Published 04/19/21
Emily fought through the low-frequency nerves and fears and hit record on the most telling solo episode to date. She has tip-toed around multidimensionality long enough and is here to share HER story with new frequencies, waking up to a whole new world, reinventing herself, and more. There is a new Emily on this planet, and this is her debut so, buckle up and prepare to expand.
Published 04/12/21
Emily was recently a guest on The Lightbody Podcast with Hannah Kuhary and had a beautiful conversation about sensitive children, spirit babies, and more. In pure Emily fashion, she didn’t want her listeners to miss out so this week brought some highlights from their conversation to all of you. Whether you have children, hope to have children, are experiencing infant loss, or infertility, this conversation will warm your heart and shed light on where the Earth is headed thanks to these...
Published 03/29/21
This episode has been a long time coming but the day has finally arrived, Emily has her husband, Cameron Lancaster on the show! This one is for all of you curious listeners wondering what it is like to be married to, live with, and experience life alongside a medium. Their conversation will touch your soul, inspire your entrepreneurial fire, and leave you smiling from ear to ear. Their love and support for one another is infectious and truly such a testament to how beautiful each one of them...
Published 03/22/21
Cosmic meteorologist and astrologer, Shannon Hugman, is back and this time she is having a live interview with Emily. If you have been struggling to feel the burst of energy that “should” come with a new year, you will want to listen to this one! Shannon breaks down the energetic differences between the Zodiac and Gregorian calendars, discusses cosmic heritage and the crucial importance of stepping into discernment in all areas of your life. Collectively, people are waking up and 2021 is the...
Published 03/08/21
Today, Emily shares her personal experiences around feeling energetically under attack and how she was able to pivot and reclaim sovereignty over her body, energy, and space. The world is a crazy place and the guidance shared today will help restore a sense of sanctuary wherever you find yourself. Stay tuned for a beautiful guided meditation in the second part of this episode where Emily takes you through visualizations that lead to the reveal of your Spirit Guides.
Published 03/01/21
Today is a special episode because Emily is sharing her very own teacher, mentor, and healer with you all. James Pinkel is an incredible spiritual teacher in Colorado with over 20 years of experience as a holistic healer. His practice is called, The Path Lighter and it couldn’t be a more fitting name because he illuminates the path of all beings he encounters. Throughout this conversation, they discuss energy, galactic beings, and the power the words we speak hold. You will leave this episode...
Published 02/22/21