Once again coming in to your ears is another episode of The Dwellers Below! In episode 57 we are rejoined by Nick "wounds on a 5+" Gentile who is back from his gardening leave and Dwellers favourite Sam Morgan who once again lends some AoS nous/credibility to the cast. We start the show off by veering wildly off topic in the opening segment, but somehow manage to drag things back on track (albeit briefly) and spend some time discussing the Blue Dragon GT being hosted by Good Games in...
Published 08/14/18
Looks like it's that time again folks, another well planned, on topic, well produced, shenanigan free and for all intents and purposes flawless episode of The Dwellers Below is ready to start coming into your ears.  In this episode we are joined by Dave'o'War in person who is down from Queensland as well as Sam "Smorgan" Morgan. We start out by discussing the new edition of Age of Sigmar and why it is rustling our jimmies before straying off topic and talking about any number of things. In...
Published 07/12/18
The whole Dwellers crew is backity back for a special reunion episode and possibly the start of something new and exciting! It's been 3 long years (two and a half really) since we put down the mic's and the minis and left the world in Dwellers limbo. In this episode we catch up on what has been going on during the intervening time and chat a bit about Age of Sigmar and how it is getting our hobby juices flowing. This episode contains a bunch of the usual nonsensical discursive rubbish that...
Published 06/21/18