Jo sudenly turns up and apologises for all the bother and Paul is so intreagued by her story that he finds himself writing it down. It all started when Jo went out again to look for her father or for any signs that the police may have missed. She thinks she has spotted something, bends down to investigate...
The Fusas insist that Jo travels on the biggest Cut-Tager that they can find, despite the fact that many Fusas have far worse injuries than Jo. When they get back to the Fusas home on the hill, the party takes Jo's mind off the fact that she still needs to get home.
Published 09/07/11
The Ailer scouts return with the good news that everything is on track, but will Jo's fears be proved right or will Barse's confidence pay off?
Published 09/07/11
With a new day comes a new plan, but this one seems no more sensible than the previous one.
Published 09/07/11