Commodities represent an investment opportunity that is quite different from the more traditional asset classes such as equities and bonds, but one that is arguably not as well understood, and often quite difficult to access. Considering the current global inflation backdrop, as well as the synchronicity of traditional asset class performance, now is a good time to look for sources of uncorrelated risk-adjusted returns, such as those offered by a diversified basket of commodity exposures.
Traditional index-tracking ETFs require an index to track. So what if there is no index, like in the case of balanced funds, or multi-asset portfolios? The construct of an actively-managed ETF provides an ideal solution for simple, straightforward, strategic, static asset allocation strategies in...
Published 08/20/24
With the top of the global interest rate cycle in focus, we turn our attention to the outlook for listed property companies and REITs, and the range of exchange-traded product options available on the JSE. There is more to consider than just the interest rate cycle, and we investigate how active...
Published 08/13/24