A wellness center some called Miracle Ranch, nestled in the scenic mountains of Southern California, promised a luxurious escape and a path to wellness through clean, alkaline living. Its leader, Dr. Robert O. Young, attracted wealthy clientele with his “groundbreaking” health protocols and...
Published 08/21/24
What would happen if you created a digital copy of yourself, powered by AI, and set it loose in the world?
In what has been named one of Vulture’s best podcasts of 2024, longtime tech reporter Evan Ratliff sets off on a strange experiment to understand how amazing and scary and utterly...
Published 08/09/24
In the winter of 2002, police discovered more than 300 bodies on one property in the tiny town of Noble, Georgia. What followed was one of the biggest and most expensive investigations in the history of the American South. To get to the bottom of this forgotten case, journalist Shaun Raviv visits...
Published 08/07/24