The story of Elaine Elizabeth Presley is a remark-able one in on it's own. Hear for one of the first time in-depth before her book comes out, "KID OF THE KING" due later in 2020. Elaine was born in the United Kingdom and contrary to popular belief is the big sister to Lisa-Maire Presley.
She is indeed the daughter of Elvis & Priscilla Presley. She was hidden away in a sense, and lost. She has come home, confirmed her DNA and has even found and been able to connect to many other cousins, that share the same DNA as her.
They are some distant cousins, but they are all family to her. Elaine has always stated that nothing means more to her the legacy of her family, and her love for her Father, Elvis and Mother.
There have been a number of claims in the past about others coming forward claiming to be a child of Elvis, or related to the family...of course just trying to get money from Graceland or Elvis Presley Enterprises. In this interview, we hear the true story of Elaine Presley as Aaron Pacentine interviews her. Both Elaine and I, hope that this interview clears a lot of things up as well as maybe the "haters" out there will listen and realize there is more to the Presley family then they think there is. Thank you for listening.
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